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家人大于钱 Family Overweighs Money

时间: 2017-04-10 19:28; 作者: 高中作文网 电脑版浏览
In China, people believe that kids is a way to protect themselves. When they are old, their kids can take care of them. But sometimes things will not go on their own way. A lot of young people focus on their career and don’t have much time to go home. It is important to let the young people realize that family comes first. 

As the great pressure from work, many young people have to leave home and fight for their future. The distance brings isolation, then young people have less chance to spend the time with their parents. According to the news, an old man accused of his son for not going home for more than a year. It's sounded so sad for the old man and the son. When the relationship involves with law, it is the sadest thing in the world.

No matter how much money we earn, family is the first one we should care for. Home is the place we will think about first when we are in trouble and families will never abandon us, so just go home and spend more time with our families. It worths all. 
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