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寻找灵魂伴侣 Finding Soul Mates

时间: 2017-06-09 17:01; 作者: 高中作文网 电脑版浏览
Recently, the news reported that a school invited masters and doctors to join the activity, which aimed at helping them to find the right ones. They are special groups that have high education background and most of them are single. Actually, finding the right one is a tough task, because we are looking for the soul mate.

Thinking about the rest of life to live with our future partner, how can’t we be picky about it? In the old generation, the couples just have the blind date which is planned by their parents and then they got married naturally, without much consideration. Even though they became a family, they lack of communication.

While today as people receive more education and have more choices, they want to find someone who can share the same interest and can know each other well. Then they can talk everything and share the sorrow and happiness in the long time. Pretty faces are easy to be attractive, while only the communication lasts long. 
然而,如今随着人们接受的教育更多也有了更多的选择,所以他们想要找一个拥有相同的兴趣,彼此了解的人。这样他们在漫长的时间里就可以什么都谈,分享悲伤和快乐。美丽的面孔很容易吸引人, 但是,只有交流才能让感情持久。

Soul mate is hard to find. So don’t be worried, it will come one day. 

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