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大学生该参加活动吗? Should College Students Take Part In Ac

时间: 2018-11-27 08:03; 作者: 高中作文网  电脑版浏览
In the campus, college students are so excited about the new life and they want to make friends with others who are coming from different areas. So taking part in activities can help them to improve their talents and also make more friends. But some people doubt that activities will distract students’ attention. In my opinion, activity is part of campus life.

It is obvious that campus life provides students more stages to communicate and show their talents, so they need to find the chance by joining the activities. Some students make a lot of friends who share the same interest, or find the stage to show their talents. The meaning of activities is to improve students’ ability to communicate, which is of great importance to their future life.

Activities can’t be ignored in campus life, but students must keep in their minds that study is their top priority. They are in the stage of preparing for skills, which means major knowledge and the ability to deal with relationships. So both study and activities are indispensable part of college life. 
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