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大象的哀嚎 The Whine of Elephant

时间: 2018-12-01 20:38; 作者: 高中作文网  电脑版浏览
Recently, a video about the training of elephant called people’s attention. The young people made this video want to call for people to protect this wild animal. A lot of people kill or train the animals for making money, but more people have realize the cruelty and make up their minds to protect animals.

In Thailand, riding animals is one of the famous amusement projects. After the video revealing the cruelty of training elephants, more visitors feel guilty and they never expect the harm they do to these lovely creatures. People response to the act to refuse riding elephants, and the good thing is that some elephants are free to be trained, but visitors still could see them in the wild zoo. All they could do is to feed them. What a nice change.

Animals are indispensable part of nature, if they disappear someday, then human being will not survive for long. Whatever we play for fun, we need to think about the result. If we hurt animals, then we should stop. Animals and human beings are friends. 
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