Why is it OK for Donald Trump to visit Paris, but not OK for him to visit London? Despite the famed “special relationship” between Britain and the US, the American president’s long-planned trip to the UK has been indefinitely postponed — largely because of the unstated fear that Mr Trump would be greeted by mass protests.
为什么美国总统唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)访问巴黎可以,访问伦敦就不行?尽管众所周知英国与美国存在“特殊关系”,但特朗普规划已久的访英之旅却被无限推迟——这主要是因为担心特朗普遇到大规模的抗议,尽管没有人公开这么说。
Instead, he has accepted an invitation to France — and could be seen happily reviewing the troops, alongside Emmanuel Macron, at the annual July 14 parade. The fact that the French president felt able to take a domestic political risk by inviting Mr Trump to Paris — despite the US president’s 14 per cent approval rating in France — offers some insights into the fine art of handing Mr Trump.相反,他接受了访问法国的邀请,并在7月14日的法国年度阅兵仪式上与埃马纽埃尔?马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)一起愉快地检阅军队。尽管特朗普在法国的支持率只有14%,但马克龙觉得能够冒着国内政治风险邀请特朗普访问巴黎,这一事实为与特朗普打交道的艺术提供了一些洞见。Mr Macron issued his invitation to the US president from a position of strength. His first encounter with Mr Trump featured a theatrical bone-crushing handshake. To some this might have seemed like the diplomacy of the playground. But it sent a clear message. France was not going to be pushed around. By contrast, Theresa May’s first visit to Washington featured the UK prime minister briefly holding hands with Mr Trump at the White House. To many in Britain, this looked like a cloying closeness with an unpopular US president.马克龙有底气邀请特朗普访法。他首次与特朗普会晤时极尽夸张地大力握手。对某些人来说,这似乎是操场外交。但它传递出明确的信息。法国不会任由摆布。相比之下,英国首相特里萨?梅(Theresa May)首次访美的时候,在白宫与特朗普曾短暂地手牵手。对英国的许多人来说,这看起来就像是与一位不受欢迎的美国总统腻歪地亲近。The lesson seems to be that European leaders who first make it clear that they are willing to stand up to Mr Trump, then have more latitude to extend the hand of friendship. By contrast, leaders who seem to approach the Trump White House as supplicants are vulnerable to a domestic backlash.教训似乎是,首先表明自己有意志反抗特朗普的欧洲领导人,之后有伸出友谊之手的更大自由度。相比之下,那些似乎因有所求而接近特朗普政府的领导人很容易在国内遭遇反弹。This contrast is about much more than theatrical handshakes. It extends to policy and ideology. Mr Trump is a champion of nationalism and a scourge of globalism. Mr Macron, fresh from beating the nationalist Marine Le Pen in the French presidential election, is carrying the standard for internationalism in Europe — alongside Angela Merkel, the German chancellor.
这种对比远不止夸张地握手,而且还体现在政策和理念方面。特朗普鼓吹民族主义而痛斥全球主义。刚刚在法国总统大选中击败民族主义者马琳?勒庞(Marine Le Pen)的马克龙,则在与德国总理安格拉?默克尔(Angela Merkel)一起扛起欧洲的国际主义大旗。But the position of Mrs May is much more ambiguous. Her government insists that Britain continues to champion globalisation. But the Brexit vote has been widely interpreted across the world — including by Mr Trump and Mr Macron — as part of the backlash against globalism. Under these circumstances, a state visit by Mr Trump to the UK would raise all sorts of difficult questions about where Britain stands — in geopolitical and ideological terms.但梅的立场要含糊得多。她的政府坚称,英国继续倡导全球化。但英国退欧公投被包括特朗普和马克龙在内的世界各国人士解读为对全球化的反弹的一部分。在这种情况下,特朗普对英国的国事访问将会引发各种关于英国地缘政治和意识形态立场的棘手问题。Paradoxically, because Mr Macron is very clearly on the other side of an ideological divide from Mr Trump — he can risk standing next to him at a military parade.看似矛盾的是,因为马克龙显然与特朗普的意识形态相悖,因此他可以冒险在阅兵仪式上与后者站一起。