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时间: 2017-09-07 08:04; 作者: 高中作文网 电脑版浏览


How to Lie With Statistics, by Darrell Huff


I picked up this short, easy-to-read book after seeing it on a Wall Street Journal list of good books for investors. I enjoyed it so much that it was one of a handful of books I recommended to everyone at TED this year.


It was first published in 1954, but aside from a few anachronistic examples (it has been a long time since bread cost 5 cents a loaf in the United States), it doesn’t feel dated.


Should We Eat Meat?, by Vaclav Smil


The richer the world gets, the more meat it eats. And the more meat it eats, the bigger the threat to the planet. How do we square this circle? Vaclav Smil takes his usual clear-eyed view of the whole landscape, from meat’s role in human evolution to hard questions about animal cruelty.

世界越富裕,消耗的肉就越多。肉消耗多了,对地球造成的威胁就越大。我们又该如何对待这个问题? 瓦科拉夫·斯米尔通过他清晰的视角全方位审视了这个问题。从肉在人类进化过程中扮演的角色到虐待动物的残酷性问题。

While it would be great if people wanted to eat less meat, I don’t think we can expect large numbers of people to make drastic reductions. I’m betting on innovation, including higher agricultural productivity and the development of meat substitutes, to help the world meet its need for meat.

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