Nicolas Sarkozy’s legal woes deepened on Thursday after judges decided to send the former French president for trial over allegations of corruption and influence peddling.
尼古拉?萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)周四陷入更深的法律困境,原因是法官决定把这位法国前总统移送法庭审理,罪名是腐败和以权谋私。
The decision comes a week after the former leader spent two days in custody and was placed under formal investigation in a separate probe into alleged illicit Libyan campaign financing during his 2007 presidential campaign. The latest development was first reported by Le Monde and confirmed by a judicial source close to the case.一周前,这位前领导人被拘留两天,并受到有关其涉嫌在2007年总统竞选期间接受利比亚非法竞选资金的正式调查。这一最新进展由《世界报》(Le Monde)最先报道,并得到接近该案的一名司法界消息人士的证实。Mr Sarkozy, who denies the charges, is appealing against the ruling, Reuters reported, citing his lawyers. A spokeswoman for Mr Sarkozy did not return calls seeking comment.路透社援引萨科齐律师的话报道称,萨科齐否认相关指控,正对该裁决提起上诉。萨科齐的一名女发言人并未回复记者的置评请求。If the judicial ruling is upheld by an appeal court, the trial would be the second that Mr Sarkozy would face as a prime suspect since retiring from politics in 2016. He is separately scheduled to appear in court over charges of fraud and false accounting during his unsuccessful 2012 re-election campaign. Mr Sarkozy denies wrongdoing.如果上诉法院维持这项司法裁决,这将是萨科齐自2016年退出政坛以来第二次作为主要嫌疑人接受审判。另外,他还将因为涉嫌在2012年最终落败的连任竞选时欺诈和伪造账目而出庭受审。萨科齐否认有不当行为。Investigators uncovered the alleged corruption by chance while probing allegations that Muammer Gaddafi, the late Libyan dictator, had paid