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妈妈的话 Mother’s words 2篇

时间:2017-12-20 08:35来源:作文网 作者:高中作文网 点击:
Before I went to high school, I never stay away from my parents. I go home every day. When people stay with each other for a long time, it is easy for them to have conflicts, like my mother and me. My mother always complain about my bad hab
Before I went to high school, I never stay away from my parents. I go home every day. When people stay with each other for a long time, it is easy for them to have conflicts, like my mother and me. My mother always complain about my bad habits, and she just keeps babbling. So I want to grow up soon and then just live my own life. The happy thing for me is that when I go to high school, I need to live with other roommates from Monday to Friday. At first, I was so excited about the new life without my mother’s babble. I finally could do what I want. But the sad emotion came out after two days. I started to miss my mother’s words, though they were not nice words, I missed her voice. A week passed, I rushed home on weekends. I finally realize it was a way for us to communicate.

妈妈的话 Mother’s Words

My mother likes to babble and I am very annoyed about it, so I will turn my deaf ears to her and will not follow her words. But I have to admit that what my mother says is right for me and I can learn lessons from it. Her words are good to me, I should listen to her words. after I just learn it from the lesson
我妈妈很喜欢唠叨,我很烦她这样,所以我会对她的话充耳不闻,不会按照她的话去做。但是我必须得承认,我妈妈说的话对我来说是对的,从中我也学到了经验教训。她的话对我是有好处的,我应该听她的话。 (责任编辑:admin)
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