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时间: 2019-01-09 18:40; 作者: 第一作文  电脑版浏览
发出你的声音 Let Your Voice Out


发出你的声音 Let Your Voice Out
Being humble and tolerant are believed to be traditional merits in China, so many people get used to keep silent when they meet unfair situation, because they think things will be solved as time passes. Actually, it only makes things become worse, especially to make the criminal situation increase. Recently, a girl was offended in the high speed train, and most people would choose to pretend nothing happened, because they did not want to make things become complicated, but the girl chose to call the police and let her voice out. The public supported the girl and many people said they met the same situation. It was time to give some punishment for these bad guys. If we meet unfair situation, it is necessary to let our voice out and bring the criminal guys to justice. The society will be much more harmonious.

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