19. 你现在的所作所为将会变成你往后的回忆与谈资。
20. Stepping outside of your comfort zone will put things into perspective from an angle you can't grasp now.
20. 当你跨出自己的舒适区时,你会感到有些难以适从,但这只是暂时的。
21. Motivation comes in short bursts. Act while it's hot.
21. 动力转瞬即逝,所以你要把握时间趁热打铁。
22. Purposely ignoring the obvious is like walking backwards toward the enemy.
22. 故意忽略一些显而易见的东西 就如同向敌人投降。
23. Taking ownership of failure builds the foundation for success.
23. 正视失败,才能走向成功。
24. First impressions are completely worthless 50% of the time.
24. 你用于包装自己的第一印象所花费的时间,其实有50%都是毫无意义的。
25. Personal glory lasts forever.
25. 个人荣誉会永远存留在你记忆里。
26. If you never act, you will never know for sure.
26. 没有行动,你也就无法知道事情到底管不管用