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Beautiful Face or Noble soul?作文250字

时间: 2017-05-24 11:28; 作者: 高中作文网  电脑版浏览

Beautiful Face or Noble soul?

  There is no doubt that everyone looks forward to having a beautiful face, we will like some people who are young and beautiful. I never consider it is wrong but I deem a thing is more important than beautiful face: Noble soul.

  We are often influenced by someone's appearance, than we might have a wrong distinguish. However, the most important thing is always neglected by us. What it is the noble soul is essential for everyone. Because flowers will die and people will become old, the beautiful face has its deadline but the noble soul is eternal. The noble soul won't change as a person's age changes.

  If you possess a beautiful face, it will let others love you. If you possess a noble soul, it will let others love you plus won't leave.

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