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时间: 2017-04-26 08:45; 作者: 高中作文网 电脑版浏览

President Donald Trump told Fox and Friends last Tuesday he didn't live up to a campaign promise to stare down China over manipulating its currency because, well, he got along better than he thought with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

美国总统唐纳德·特朗普于上周二向《Fox and Friends》透露,他没有兑现竞选承诺--就中国操纵人民币而紧盯该国--这是因为他与中国主席习近平相处得出乎其自己意料地好。

"I didn't soften my stance," Trump said. "Look, China came to the United States, the President, who I really developed a very good relationship with. I think he is a terrific person."


"I really got to know him very well over a two-day period. We were together hours and hours and hours by ourselves. We had a 15-minute scheduled meeting and it lasted for three hours. The same thing happened the next day. We have a good chemistry together."


It's hard to see how Trump is not changing his stance, since one of the pillars of the economic plan he released in June of 2016 called for the president to instruct "the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator."


By way of explanation, Trump said China is changing its stance on North Korea and he didn't want to jeopardize those actions by bringing up the economic issues.


"What am I going to start trade war with China in the middle of him working on a bigger problem with North Korea?" Trump said.


"I'm dealing with China with great respect. I have great respect for him. We'll see what he can do. Maybe he won't be able to help. That's possible. I think he is trying. Maybe he won't be able to help. That's a whole differential story."


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