Tension between Chinese internet giant Tencent and its U.S. counterpart, Apple, has escalated after WeChat's cash rewards feature was blocked on the iOS platform.
The feature, which allows users to send tips of up to 256 RMB to their favorite official accounts, was disabled on iOS on April 19, apparently because it violated Apple's regulations.这项功能允许用户向他们喜爱的官方账号打赏最多256元人民币,但是iOS系统却在4月19日禁止了这一项功能,很显然是因为该功能违反了苹果公司的规定。It is currently still functional on other platforms, including Android.目前这一功能仍然可以在包括安卓在内的其他平台使用。In an announcement released by Tencent on April 19, the company said the adjustment was made after extensive negotiations with Apple.
在4月19日腾讯发布的一份声明中,该公司表示,此次调整是在和苹果公司进行进一步谈判之后进行的。For the time being, Tencent suggested that its users bypass the regulation by transferring tip money through individual transfer channels, a move that was later prohibited by Apple.当时,腾讯建议用户通过个人转账渠道绕过苹果的规定打赏,但是这一方法后来也被苹果禁止。"From WeChat's perspective, its cash rewards feature is meant to encourage official accounts to create original content. Apple, on the other hand, sees the practice as a pay-for-view service," an analyst told Thepaper.cn, adding that the rewards should not be considered a purchase.一名分析师向《澎湃新闻》透露:“从微信的角度来看,现金打赏功能是为了鼓励官方账号创作原创内容。但另一方面,苹果公司将这一功能视为付费观看服务。”他还表示,打赏不应看作购买行为。Some analysts believe that by banning WeChat's rewards feature, Apple hopes to compete with Tencent in the area of payment services. Tencent's WeChat Wallet is widely used in China, while Apple Pay is not popular with Chinese consumers.一些分析人士认为,通过禁止微信的打赏功能,苹果的目的是想和腾讯在支付服务领域竞争。腾讯的微信钱包功能在中国使用非常广泛,而Apple Pay在中国消费者之间却不是那么受欢迎。