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统计表明 自杀是我国青壮年死亡首因

时间: 2017-05-01 08:55; 作者: 高中作文网 电脑版浏览

Suicide has become the leading cause of death of young Chinese people, aged between 15 and 35, according to a survey carried out by the Ministry of Health.


Causes of suicide vary between different people, reports the People's Daily.


Some of the most common causes are a history of mental illness in the family, social isolation, relationship and financial problems, says Wu Mingxia, a psychological expert from the Southwest University.


In many cases, liability has become a controversial issue, with some parents insisting that universities should be held liable when students commit suicide at college.


According to the survey, the majority of people seem to agree that educational establishments should bear a large part of the responsibility for campus suicides saying that they have a duty to counsel students, and help maintain their mental and physical health.


However, many feel that parents also need to shoulder partial responsibility, as they ought to be aware of the potential suicide risks of their children.


Beyond this issue, suicide prevention and psychological counseling are seen as significant ways to reduce campus suicide, and many people agree that there is much work to be done on means of preventing suicide among young people.


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