Five studios are currently having the ultimate death match (well, it's not as bloody as that...not yet, at least) for the rights to "James Bond".
According to the New York Times, the contenders are Sony, Warner Bros, Universal Pictures, 20th Century Fox and, unexpectedly, the relatively new Annapurna, financed and led by Megan Ellison, the heiress of Oracle.据《纽约时报》报道称,竞争者有索尼、华纳兄弟、环球影视、20世纪福克斯;而令人惊讶的是,由甲骨文公司女继承人梅根·埃里森资助和领导的、年头相对较短的Annapurna影业也加入了该竞争。Sony was the last to produce a James Bond film, "Spectre", which was released almost 2 years ago, thus marking the end of their four-film deal.在这几家公司中,索尼是最后一个拍摄詹姆斯·邦德题材电影的,而大约在两年前上映的《007:幽灵党》是索尼签约四部电影中的最后一部。Warner Bros. maybe only need James Bond as a safety net, in case one of their current big franchises doesn't measure up or drops along the way.华纳兄弟可能只是需要詹姆斯·邦德作为安全网,以防止他们当前的特别经营权之一不能达到预期标准或者一路下跌。For Universal, the franchise would just be the cherry on top of their already very big and delicious layered cake of franchises.
对于环球影视来说,该特别经营权对于他们来说,只是在已经非常庞大、美味的特别经营权蛋糕上,再加一枚樱桃而已。With the success of "Jurassic World", "Pitch Perfect" and "Fast And Furious", the addition of James Bond could have them giving Disney a run for their money.随着《侏罗纪公园》、《完美音调》、《速度与激情》的成功,詹姆斯·邦德的加入可以让他们能够与迪士尼一较高下。Fox has recently made its mark with hard-core films, like "Logan", "Alien: Covenant" and "Kingsman". A PG-13 James Bond movie would fit in perfectly.福克斯最近已经在如《金刚狼》、《异形:契约》和《王牌特工》这些硬核电影上打上了自己的烙印,而一部PG-13级的詹姆斯·邦德电影,可以和该公司完美契合。And lastly, for the ambitious Annapurna, landing a Bond would be transformative and an outright show of force.最后,对于雄心勃勃的Annapurna影业来说,插足邦德系列电影是一种变革性的、也是直接秀肌肉的行为。They're already a force not to be messed with in their own right, with hits like "Her", "American Hustle" and "Sausage Party", but having James Bond in their docket would really kick things off for them.他们已经是一股可以凭自己站住脚的力量了,并拥有很多成功的电影,比如《她》、《美国骗局》、《香肠派对》。但要是在名单中拥有詹姆斯·邦德的电影,则真的会为他们解决麻烦。