South Korea’s new president has taken aim at the country’s choking pollution problem, ordering the shutdown of ageing coal power plants in an attempt to stem growing public anger.
Moon Jae-in on Monday declared that 10 of the country’s coal plants, aged 30 years or older, be shuttered temporarily next year and then altogether before the end of his five-year term.文在寅(Moon Jae-in)周一宣布明年暂时关闭国内10座30年以上(含)的燃煤电厂,接着会在其五年任期结束前永久关闭这些燃煤电厂。The moves comes as citizens of the east Asian nation suffer prolonged bouts of toxic fine dust — tiny particles also known as PM2.5 — that penetrate deep into the respiratory system and can cause a variety of illnesses, including cancer.此举出炉之际,这个东亚国家的公民正遭遇着一轮又一轮旷日持久的有毒细粉尘(又名PM2.5的细小颗粒物)困扰。这种细粉尘会深入人的呼吸系统,导致包括癌症在内的各种疾病。So far this year, authorities have issued 92 fine dust warnings — up from 64 advisories in the same period last year.
今年到目前为止,韩国当局已发出92次细粉尘警告,超过了去年同期的64次。The soaring levels of pollution have sparked growing public consternation, with the issue becoming a hot topic ahead of the election of Mr Moon last week.急剧上升的污染水平,引发了公众日益加剧的恐慌情绪。在上周文在寅当选之前,这个问题成了热门话题。“President Moon’s order to suspend the coal-fired power plants’ operation shows his strong will to come up with fundamental solutions to the fine dust problem by putting it on the national agenda,” said a spokesperson for the presidential Blue House.韩国总统府青瓦台(Blue House)一名发言人表示:“文在寅总统停止燃煤电厂运营的命令,显示了他通过将细粉尘问题摆上国家议程、拿出该问题根本解决方案的强烈意志。”Mr Moon also ordered the creation of a special fine dust task force, which he will personally oversee, the spokesman added.这位发言人还表示,文在寅还下令成立一个细粉尘特别工作组,由他亲自挂帅。Many in South Korea blame fine dust wafting in from China’s industrial and desert regions for their country’s pollution woes.韩国许多人将该国遇到的污染问题归咎于从中国工业区和荒漠地区飘来的细粉尘。But burning coal is another key source of emissions and the previous government had pledged to build 20 additional coal power plants to bolster the 59 in operation.但是燃煤是另一个关键的污染排放来源,而上届政府曾承诺要再建20座燃煤电厂,以补充正在运营的59座燃煤电厂。Burning of the fossil fuel accounts for about 40 per cent of South Korea’s energy generation.韩国发电量的大约40%来自燃烧这种化石燃料。Nuclear power’s share, meanwhile, has slipped to 30 per cent today from 40 per cent in 2005 amid safety concerns and following a series of scandals.与此同时,在一系列丑闻之后,出于安全方面的担忧,韩国核电所占份额已经从2005年的40%降至如今的30%。Mr Moon has also promised to shut a number of ageing nuclear reactors in a move which, combined with the coal plant closures, could raise questions about the country’s energy generation plans.文在寅还承诺关闭一系列老旧的核反应堆。这一举措再加上燃煤电厂的关闭,可能引发对该国发电规划的质疑。