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时间: 2017-05-17 10:50; 作者: 高中作文网 电脑版浏览

Russian president Vladimir Putin has blamed US intelligence services for the WannaCry infection that has swept across the world, as the spread of the cyber attack appeared to stall in Europe.

俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔?普京(Vladimir Putin,见上图)把肆虐世界各地的“想哭”(WannaCry)感染事件归咎于美国情报部门。此次网络攻击似乎已在欧洲停止蔓延。

Speaking in Beijing on Monday, Mr Putin cited comments by a top Microsoft executive that criticised the US government’s “stockpiling” of cyber weapons and denied any link with Russia.


“Microsoft said it directly: the initial source of this virus is the US’s security agencies, Russia’s got absolutely nothing to do with it,” Mr Putin said.


The attack hit the Russian interior ministry, mobile provider MegaFon, the state-owned financial group Sberbank, as well as a number of other ministries and state-run companies, making Russia the country hardest hit by the attack, according to Kaspersky Lab, a Moscow-based cyber security company.

总部位于莫斯科的网络安全公司卡巴斯基实验室(Kaspersky Lab)表示,此次袭击的俄罗斯受害者包括该国内务部、移动服务提供商MegaFon、国有的俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行(Sberbank)以及其他一些部委和国营公司,使俄罗斯成为遭受此次袭击最沉重打击的国家。

“There was no significant damage for us or for our institutions — whether it’s banking, healthcare, or anything else,” Mr Putin said. “But in general it’s worrying?.?.?.?Genies let out of bottles like these, especially if they’ve been created by the secret services, can then harm even their own authors and creators.”


Current data show that more than 1.3m computer systems are still vulnerable to infection by WannaCry, which has paralysed hospitals, disrupted transport networks and immobilised businesses, according to cyber security analysts.


So far, 200,000 computers across 150 countries are known to have been infected in the first wave of the WannaCry cyber attack, according to Europol.


The police agency told the Financial Times on Monday that the spread of the virus had stalled in Europe. “We weren’t expecting to see it, but there has been a slight decline in the number of computers affected in Europe,” a Europol spokeswoman said.


But the spokeswoman added: “We do not think this is the end of the crisis, the hackers have already evolved the malware, and will probably continue to do so.”


WannaCry’s potency is based on a cyber weapon known as EternalBlue, developed by the US National Security Agency. It was stolen and leaked online last year by a group known as the Shadow Brokers, believed by western intelligence to be connected to Russia’s spy agencies.

“想哭”的毒性是基于美国国家安全局(NSA)开发的网络武器“永恒之蓝”(EternalBlue)。去年,一个被称为“影子经纪人”(Shadow Brokers)的团体窃取了这款武器,并将其泄露到网上;西方情报部门认定,“影子经纪人”与俄罗斯间谍机构有联系。

EternalBlue, built to exploit the then-unknown Windows software loophole, was used as a platform by WannaCry’s operators to supercharge their ransomware. The virus spread across organisations via any file-sharing protocols, such as drop boxes for documents or databases.


“The governments of the world should treat this attack as a wake-up call,” Brad Smith, Microsoft’s general counsel, wrote in a strongly worded blog post on Sunday afternoon.

“全球各国政府应该把这次攻击视为一记警钟,”微软总法律顾问布拉德?史密斯(Brad Smith)周日下午在一篇措辞强烈的博客文章中写道。

“This attack provides yet another example of why the stockpiling of vulnerabilities by governments is such a problem,” he added, referring to the disclosure by WikiLeaks of apparent exploits used by the Central Intelligence Agency.


Europol said the decline in incidents in Europe was probably due to media attention over the weekend, which spurred several organisations to update their Windows operating systems and apply the patches required to stop the virus from spreading.


“We advise that organisations continue to patch and most importantly do not pay,” the Europol spokeswoman said. She emphasised that Europol had found paying the ransom was not resulting in the hackers unlocking data.


The virus also appeared to be spreading elsewhere.


Hitachi, the Japanese industrial group, said on Monday that an unspecified number of its computers inside and outside Japan had been affected, with employees reporting problems using email, including at one of the group’s hospitals. An online ordering system was also hit, disrupting deliveries to retailers of Hitachi refrigerators and washing machines.


As of Monday morning, the WannaCry attackers had received only 23.2 bitcoins, or roughly $40,000, in ransom payments from 157 sources, according to bitcoin transaction data accessible via bitcoin.info.


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