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时间: 2017-05-18 07:49; 作者: 高中作文网 电脑版浏览

Once you've been in the workforce for a while, it can be easy to neglect your résumé. After all, you've been working, accumulating experience and juggling your job and life. If you're not actively looking for work or got your last position through networking or someone you knew, it is easy for years to pass since you've looked at your résumé.


There's plenty of advice out there about how to improve your résumé, but before you start wordsmithing and adding bullet points, consider a good spring-cleaning. The first step to updating a résumé that's been stale is probably to simply get rid of a lot of irrelevant and outdated material.


1. Your GPA in school

1. 你在学校的绩点

If you were valedictorian of your university, you can make a note of that. You may even want to include the fact that you graduated Phi Beta Kappa. But a GPA from 2005 simply doesn't matter now that it's 2017. Including this information can also make it appear that you have poor judgment about what is relevant.


2. Classes you've taken

2. 你上过的课

Similarly, unless you're applying to a job where coursework has helped you achieve some sort of practical career transition (e.g., taking software development courses when you are seeking a new role as a programmer), your future employer probably isn't particularly interested in extracurricular enrichment classes.


3. Languages you speak (even fluently)

3. 你会的语言(甚至十分流利)

Languages are a great skill in life, but unless you're applying to work in a position where a foreign language is helpful or required, putting languages on your résumé can make you look like you're unfocused on the job at hand. Save some more space to describe your recent career accomplishments instead.


If you do believe your language skills are important for the role, be sure to include them, but leave out any languages where you don't have business-level proficiency.


4. Summer internships

4. 暑期实习

If you've been in the workforce for several years, summer internships fall into the category of completely irrelevant. It may be difficult to cut out prestigious internships you were proud of (or that you believe make you look interesting), but the truth of the matter is that putting a summer internship on your résumé at this stage of your career may make you look like you exercise poor judgment about what is important… and what is ancient history.



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