Websites that harbour "disruptive, shocking or malicious" adverts will appear less frequently on user's news feeds, Facebook has said.
The social network is tweaking the algorithm that picks posts for feeds to do a better job of spotting "low quality" web pages. Instead, the algorithm will seek out more informative posts.该社交网站正在调整为消息流挑选帖子的算法,以更好的检测出“劣质”网页。取而代之的是,该算法将找出更有“营养的”帖子。It said the change was part of broader work it was doing to make Facebook less profitable for spammers.Facebook方面表示,这一改进是意在让垃圾邮件发送者无法从Facebook中赚钱的项目的一部分。The change was aimed at sites that contained "little substantive content" and were set up only to profit from users' attention, it said.Facebook称,此次调整的目标是只包含“少量实质性内容”和只为从用户的关注中牟利的网站。Users had told it they were "disappointed" when they clicked on links that seemed to point to a news site but instead put them on a page built largely around adverts, Facebook said.
Facebook方面表示,有用户反馈,当点开一个看上去像新闻网页的链接、却进了一个有很多广告的页面时,他们很“失望”。And these included pages with intrusive pop-up or interstitial ads, or that used pornographic pictures for dating sites or shocking images for treatments that purported to tackle many different ailments.这些网站有烦人的弹窗或插播广告,或使用色情图片为相亲网站配图,或用夸张的图片展示解决各种疾病的疗法。Facebook said its analysis of hundreds of thousands of web pages helped it to identify those run by spammers.Facebook指出,他们对成千上万网页的分析,会帮助他们识别这些由垃圾邮件发送者运营的网站。The updated algorithm would be rolled out across its many territories over the next few months.接下来的几个月,升级的算法将陆续登录各个运营区。