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时间: 2017-05-24 11:30; 作者: 高中作文网 电脑版浏览

Universal has signed a multi-year licensing agreement with Tencent, to significantly grow the major's reach into the world's most densely populated country.


Under the terms of the deal, Tencent Music Entertainment Group (TME) will distribute music from UMG's roster on its streaming platforms, QQ Music, KuGou and Kuwo, which together claim more than 15 million paying subscribers and, according to Tencent, have an overall user base of 600 million monthly active users.


TME will also be Universal's master distribution and licensing partner to exclusively sub-license UMG content to third-party music service providers in China.


The two companies will additionally work together on the design and construction of Abbey Road Studios China, a state-of-the-art recording and mastering facility inspired by the world famous recording studio in London, which UMG acquired in 2012 as part of its $1.9 billion deal for EMI.

此外,两公司还将共同设计和建造“中国Abbey Road Studios”。Abbey Road Studios具有世界顶尖的录音和制作设施,是受伦敦世界著名的录音室启发,2012年,该录音室所属的百代唱片公司被环球音乐以19亿美元的价格收购。

Both parties hope the partnership will help grow the domestic music scene and provide fresh inroads into a potentially huge and largely untapped market for UMG's international roster of artists.


"We're looking forward to working with Tencent as we develop local Chinese artists and repertoire, as well as global stars, in this dynamic and expanding music market," said Universal Music Group Chairman and CEO Sir Lucian Grainge in a statement announcing the deal.


"Leveraging UMG's resources and our distribution capabilities, we can provide a rich and personalized experience to hundreds of millions of music lovers in China," added Cussion Pang, CEO of TME.

“利用环球音乐的资源和我们的分销能力,我们可以向数亿中国乐迷提供丰富和个性化的体验,” 腾讯音乐娱乐集团首席执行官彭迦信补充说。

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