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时间: 2017-06-04 08:40; 作者: 高中作文网 电脑版浏览

A new phase of global competition has broken out between a handful of massively wealthy US and Chinese internet companies — with consumers and businesses the beneficiaries of their services.


That, at least, is the view of Mary Meeker, the former US internet analyst who is still most closely associated with the dotcom boom of the 1990s. Since leaving Wall Street for Silicon Valley seven years ago to join venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, her annual analysis — in more than 200 slides — has become a widely used reference on the global state of the internet.

至少,这是玛丽·米克尔(Mary Meeker)的观点;她曾经是一名互联网分析师,仍被视为与上世纪90年代的网络股泡沫最为密切相关。自7年前离开华尔街转投硅谷风险投资公司凯鹏华盈(Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers)以来,她的年度分析(200多页幻灯片)已成为有关全球互联网状态的广泛使用的参考。

After what she calls “an epic half-decade” of expansion and stock market appreciation, Apple, Microsoft,Alphabet, Amazon and Facebook have emerged as the world’s five most valuable companies. Two Chinese internet companies —Alibaba and Tencent— have also broken into the top 10.


The rise of this handful of internet giants has stirred worries among regulators and other industries that have not yet felt the touch of digital disruption. But, according to Ms Meeker, the concerns fail to take into account the rivalry that has engulfed the internet companies as they move out of their initial markets and on to each other’s turf.


“People don’t spend enough time looking at how intense the competition is,” she says in an interview with the Financial Times. “The bet here is: we can’t stop progress. Are we better off or worse off? So far, the data implies we are better off.”


The picture of growing global dominance emerges from Ms Meeker’s latest slideshow, published yesterday. Referring to how online activity is reshaping markets spanning retail to transport, she says: “The pace and breadth of global change is happening at a pace that is faster than I would have anticipated.”


In the US, for instance, growth in online advertising and ecommerce has accelerated again since earlier this decade, with advertising revenues up 22 per cent last year and ecommerce up 15 per cent. Global online ad spending, at nearly $200bn, is forecast to exceed TV advertising for the first time this year.


The disruption is deeper than the numbers suggest. In ecommerce, the adoption of technologies such as geolocation and machine learning are “changing retail at what is probably an accelerating rate”. And the collection of data on a mass scale is about to have a profound impact. Ms Meeker’s tip for a sector on the cusp of upheaval: healthcare, where regulations and barriers to sharing data have slowed innovation, but which she now says is ripe for change.


Despite Ms Meeker’s optimism about competition, however, the picture that emerges from her global snapshot also shows the effects of increasingly heavy concentrations in some digital markets.


Google and Facebook, for instance, accounted for 85 per cent of online advertising in the US last year, up from 76 per cent a year before. In the media world, Ms Meeker estimates that Spotify has already secured 20 per cent of global music revenues, and Netflix 30 per cent of home entertainment revenue in the US. These digital-first companies reflect a trend towards increasingly personalised services, she says: “It speaks to the power of the algorithms and the data. It improves pricing for users and consumer satisfaction.”


Future competition between the digital giants is likely to take place on the global stage. The internet markets in China and India have each reached a scale where they are poised to have a strong beneficial impact on their economies, Ms Meeker says. Their mobile payment infrastructures, for instance, put both countries “in an enviable position relative to the rest of the world”. And thanks to its national identity scheme, Aadhaar, and the spread of low-cost bandwidth, India is on the brink of an explosion of digital services.


With so much to play for, that has already made India “a global priority” between US and Chinese companies. American companies such as Amazon are approaching new markets such as this more aggressively, she says.


But even if competition becomes increasingly fierce between the digital giants, will it create a new global oligopoly? After more than two decades watching the rise of internet leaders, Ms Meeker says she is “highly confident” new categories of activity will emerge, with new groups set to dominate them — much as Uber and Didi Chuxing have come to dominate ride hailing.

但是,即使这些数字巨头间的竞争变得越来越激烈,这种竞争会造就一个新的全球寡头垄断局面吗?经过20多年对互联网领军者崛起的观察,米克尔表示,她“非常有信心”新的业务类别将应运而生,同时新的集团将主导它们,就像优步(Uber)和滴滴出行(Didi Chuxing)将主导叫车市场一样。

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