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时间: 2017-06-09 17:02; 作者: 高中作文网 电脑版浏览

The Hong Kong-listed units of China’s largest coal producer and one of the country’s largest power producers jumped on Monday following reports the companies are in merger talks.


Hong Kong-listed China Shenhua Energy said it received a notice from its controlling shareholder, the state-owned coal producer Shenhua Group Corporation, that it was planning “significant matter(s) involving the company”.

香港上市的中国神华能源(China Shenhua Energy)表示已收到控股股东——国有煤炭生产商神华集团(Shenhua Group Corporation)的通知,称其“拟筹划涉及本公司的重大事项。”

Guodian Technology and Environment Group said its controlling shareholder, state-owned China Guodian Corporation, had informed it of a “proposed planning of a significant event”.

国电科技环保集团(Guodian Technology and Environment Group)表示,其控股股东——国有的中国国电集团(China Guodian Corporation)已通知其“拟筹划重大事项”。

Shares in Hong Kong-listed Guodian Technology jumped up by 17.2 per cent on Monday, easing from a gain of as much as 25.3 per cent . Shenhua’s HK-listed shares gained as much as 4.2 per cent before easing to be 2.9 per cent higher.


Beijing is seeking to reform state-owned enterprises and steer the economy away from an over dependence on heavy industry.


Chinese power generator China Datang Corporation in March denied media reports the regulator for state-owned enterprises had asked it to merge with Shenhua.

中国发电企业中国大唐集团(China Datang Corporation)曾于3月份否认有关国企监管机构要求其与神华合并的媒体报道。

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