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时间: 2017-06-21 17:00; 作者: 高中作文网 电脑版浏览

French president Emmanuel Macron has won a decisive majority in parliamentary elections, giving him considerable power as he embarks on reforms to reinvigorate the economy and restore French influence in Europe.

法国总统埃马纽埃尔?马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)在议会选举中赢得了决定性的多数席位,这赋予了他相当大的权力。他将推行改革以重振经济,恢复法国在欧洲的影响力。

Mr Macron’s party La République en Marche and its centrist ally Modem secured 355 of the 577 seats in the National Assembly, according to estimates from Ipsos Sopra Stéria based on partial results from across France.

据Ipsos Sopra Stéria根据法国各地部分点票结果所做的预测,马克龙的政党“共和前进”(La République en marche)及其中间立场盟友“民主运动党”(Modem)在国民议会577个席位中赢得了355个席位。

The Socialists, the outgoing government, appear to have been crushed, holding on to only 34 of their 284 seats. The centre-right Republicans and allies will form the main opposition but with a disappointing 125 seats, down from 199, according to the estimate.


The far-right National Front, whose leader Marine Le Pen lost the presidential election to Mr Macron, was on course to win several seats. Ms Le Pen will sit in the National Assembly for the first time, representing her stronghold in northern France.

极右翼的国民阵线(National Front)将赢得数个席位,该党领袖马琳?勒庞(Marine Le Pen)在总统大选中输给了马克龙。勒庞将首次进入国民议会,代表她在法国北部的据点。

The party of hard-left firebrand Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who performed strongly in the presidential election, will have around 19 MPs.

在总统大选中表现强劲的极左煽动者让-吕克?梅朗雄(Jean-Luc Mélenchon),将获得约19个席位。

Turnout was exected to be only 43 per cent, a record low. The result is short of the crushing landslide some pollsters had predicted.


Still, the margin of victory reinforces the legitimacy of the 39-year old president, who only set up his up his cross-party movement 14 months ago. It clears the way for the contentious reforms he has outlined during his presidential campaign, including a bill this summer intended to make the jobs market more flexible.


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