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时间: 2017-06-28 11:40; 作者: 高中作文网 电脑版浏览

Contrary to your presumption that “China has a bad economy” is the fact that in the last 50–60 years the Chinese economy has brought more people out of poverty than any economy in world history. Approximately 500,000,000 citizens of the People’s Republic of China have had five decades of increased personal household income. Therefore, if you are analyzing connections between socialism and negative growth, look to countries such as post-WWII Burma-Myanmar, North Korea, and Cuba.


China’s economic system iswhatever the western media says it is.


When China’s economy is booming,everyone chants “See, see? Thanks to liberal reforms, China is better off thanthey were under Communism!”


Then as soon as China’s economy crasheslike any other market economy, everyone yells “Stupid stupid communists,Communism is a failure and always will be! Stupid stupid liberals, Berniesupporters, and everyone else I disagree with for thinking such a system couldpossibly work!”


Then, China’s economy willrecover, the west will sing the praises of capitalism, and the cycle repeats.


In practice, China has a verymixed economy(“Socialist Market Economy”, they call it), employing multiplestate-owned corporations that ensure the party’s dominance over the economywhile still allowing private enterprise.


And no,China’s economy is not “bad” like you say, the economic policies mentionedabove has rocketed China’s economy into being the largest in the world.


China doesn’t have bad economybut I wouldn’t be too excited about their past growth. Not that it’s notimpressive; pulling out all those people from extreme poverty is definitelyworth recognition. But you need to remember that it is always easier to growfast from nothing. It’s like with cars: if one car speeds up from 50 to 100km/h and the other from 150 to 200 km/h over the same period of time, then yes,the first car doubled its speed but at the end of the day, the second car hadthe identical speed increase and it’s still going significantly faster.Obviously this comparison is very rough but it’s a perspective that you shouldkeep in mind when comparing e.g. USA with China.


Which brings another point: Chinamay be expected to overtake USA as the largest economy in the world very soon.But it has also 4 times the population of USA. Measured economically, anAmerican produces significantly more / is significantly more efficient than aChinese.


Even then there is still no pointin asking whether it’s the fault of Chinese “communistic” regime because Chinais still in the upward trajectory. For me the interesting and very importantquestion is where is the limit for this Chinese growth. Is there a potential toovertake USA even in GDP per capita? Or is the regime exactly the reason whythis will never happen?


I’m more inclined to believe inthe second scenario (or more precisely, given that I strongly believe inWestern liberal democracy, this would give me certain satisfaction even thoughI really don’t wish the Chinese to “lose”). This is for these two (perhapsnaive) reasons:


1. The corruption is a huge problemin a single-party system like the Chinese one. There are no public media thatcould actually independently fight the corruption and the internal mechanismsare just as corrupted by their nature. This is never good for economy as itleads to inefficiency.

1、 腐败问题,中国有着巨大的FB问题,媒体无法公然反对FB,商人跟着FB。这些对经济百害而无一利。

2. I don’t think that a country canbecome an actual economical, cultural and innovation leader when its citizensare expected to bend down before the central government and simply follow. Theyare not free. Also from another perspective, such a country is hardly asattractive as e.g. the aforementioned United States to smart people from allover world (note that many leaders and founders of the most successful Americancompanies are immigrants or offsprings of immigrants; Steve Jobs is oneexample).

2、 我认为这样一个国家无法成为经济、文化、创新的领导者,因为他的国民对于ZF仅仅是屈服和顺从。他们没有自由!从跟多的角度出发,这样的一个国家是无法成为如美国一般有魅力的国度,能吸引来自五湖四海的优质人才。(在美国大部分领导和创始人都是移民或者移民后裔,比如乔布斯)

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