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时间: 2018-01-17 15:38; 作者: 高中作文网  电脑版浏览
Last month reports emerged that Princess Charlotte was a 'natural tennis player', despite being just two years old. And now sources claim that the young Royal is already speaking some Spanish, thanks to her Palencia-born nanny Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo.

上个月有报道说夏洛特公主尽管才两岁,但天生是个网球运动员。现在又有消息称这个小王室已经能说一些西班牙语了,这还得感谢她来自西班牙帕伦西亚的姥姥Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo。
The talented toddler is also said to be a 'sweet and confident' little girl, who already boasts 'beautiful manners'. According to People magazine, the young Princess has already learned several Spanish phrases, and the source added: 'She's very sweet and very confident — she's always chatting away'.
The source also described her as 'so polite, but also fun and energetic,' adding, 'She has beautiful manners.' Charlotte looks to be following in her older brother Prince George's footsteps, who aged just three can count up to ten in Spanish.

'She (Borrallo) said she is trying to teach Charlotte Spanish and said her son George can count up to ten in Spanish already,' The Duchess told a member of the public last year.

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