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时间: 2018-03-29 08:32; 作者: 高中作文网  电脑版浏览

Over the past three decades, China’s economy achieved one growth miracle by means of another: the expansion of its cities through the migration of hundreds of millions of rural workers.


But that trend is slowly reversing in China’s biggest cities, Beijing and Shanghai, which have announced policies to limit their population. Official figures released last month showed the capital’s residential population in 2017 shrank by 22,000 people.


The drop follows moves last year by Beijing’s local government to cap the city’s population. Officials have outlined plans for the capital’s population to stabilise at 23m “long-term residents” by 2020 to stop what authorities call “urban diseases”, arguing that its water resources could not sustain more people.


Not all residents are equal. To meet its target, local officials have evicted thousands of migrant workers from the countryside who lack an urban hukou household registration permit. Mass demolitions of migrant dormitories over the freezing winter sparked street protests.


“Beijing, like every city, is an ecosystem. It needs people of all kinds. All humans are equal and should be respected. Driving people out of the city is not going to be effective in the long run and may cause social unrest,” said Li Jianmin, professor of demographics at Nankai University in Tianjin.

南开大学(Nankai University)人口学教授李建民表示,北京和所有城市一样,是一个生态系统;它需要各种各样的人;所有人都是平等的,应当受到尊重;从长远看,驱赶人口不会产生预期效果,还可能会引发社会不安定。

The reversal in population growth is surprising given that China’s cities were built by migrants from the countryside. Between 1990 and 2010, 250m people migrated to Chinese cities. Beijing tripled in size, Shanghai grew by more than a half and the southern technology hub of Shenzhen expanded more than eightfold. The Pearl River Delta cluster around Shenzhen, which has become China’s electronics assembly heartland, grew out of almost nothing.


Urban migration fuelled China’s economic boom, as the country’s export-led manufacturing economy and, later, ecommerce, siphoned workers from farms. The shrinking of the cities will have economic consequences, too. Users of ride-hailing group Didi had to wait longer for their rides when local governments started kicking out migrant drivers last year, and Beijing’s winter evictions caused delivery services to apologise for delays.


Unlike western cities, where the price of services has risen sharply with rent increases, the availability of migrant labour and cheap dormitories in China’s cities have made services such as cleaners and nannies affordable to the growing middle and upper classes. But the migrant evictions and demolition of illegal shantytowns are likely to change that.


“The cost of services such as deliveries and babysitting will go up for good, because as rent goes up, these workers can’t afford to live in Beijing,” said Hu Xingdou, an economics professor in Beijing.


“I think Beijing’s population decrease will continue, and will have a negative effect on the city’s development in the long run,” Mr Hu added. “It worsens the ageing population, leads to a low supply of workers in certain sectors and raises living costs.”


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