Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates said he'll pick up the tab for all US college graduates to download a copy of Hans Rosling's book, "Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World -- and Why Things Are Better Than You Think".
The book was released in April, offering advice on how to think about the world and how personal instincts can impact our interpretation of information.此书于今年4月出版,书中就如何思考世界,以及个人的直觉如何影响人们对信息的解读等提供了建议。It debuted at No 5 on the New York Times Best Seller List for hardcover nonfiction.上市后,此书立即登上《纽约时报》畅销书榜单精装版非小说类图书的第五名。"When we have a fact-based worldview we can see that the world is not as bad as it seems -- and we can see what we have to do to keep making it better," Rosling writes in the book.作者罗斯林在该书中写道:“当我们有一个基于事实的世界观时,我们可以看到世界并不像看上去的那么糟糕--我们可以看到我们必须做些什么才能让世界变得更好。”It is the book Gates thinks every college graduate should read. In a YouTube video posted in April, Gates called it "one of the most educational books I've ever read."
盖茨认为每个大学生都应该读这本书。他在4月发布的一个YouTube视频中称此书是“他读过的最具教育意义的书籍之一”。"It covers a space that isn't easy to go learn about," Gates said. "The world would be a better place if literally millions of people read the book."盖茨表示:“这本书涵盖了一个不容易了解的领域。如果真的有数百万人阅读这本书,世界将变得更美好。”Last year, Gates recommended Steven Pinker's book "The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined" to graduates, saying it was the "most inspiring" book he's ever read.去年,盖茨将史蒂芬·平克的《人性中的善良天使:为什么暴力在下降》推荐给了毕业生,并称该书是他读过的“最鼓舞人心的”书。