Mexican football fans could hardly contain their joy when Hirving Lozano scored a goal against Germany in Mexico's opening game of the World Cup.
Supporters of the team jumped into the air when the ball hit the net in the 35th minute.在比赛进行到第35分钟时,德国队大门被攻破,墨西哥球迷们高兴地跳了起来。But did their jubilant stomping really cause an earthquake as some media have reported?但真的如媒体所说,球迷的欢呼雀跃导致了一场小地震吗?A tweet from Mexico's Institute of Geological and Atmospheric Investigations would suggest so.按照墨西哥地质与大气调查研究所发布的推特所说,真的是这样。The tweet by the institute, which monitors seismic activity, reads: "Artificial quake in Mexico City due to celebration of goal by the Mexican team in the game against Germany during the 2018 World Cup in Russia."该机构负责监控地震活动,推特中说:“墨西哥城发生的这场人造地震源自俄罗斯世界杯墨西哥队对阵德国队的比赛中墨西哥队进球时的狂欢庆祝。”What really happened?到底发生了什么?The institute confirms that two of its seismometers local to celebrating fans picked up ground movement immediately after the winning goal against the defending champions.该机构确认说,在攻破卫冕冠军德国队的大门时,两台墨西哥城当地的地震仪都捕捉到了欢庆的球迷们引发的地表活动。"During the game, the Mexican team managed to score 35 minutes and seven seconds in, at this moment our monitoring systems detected a seismic movement picked up by at least two sensors inside Mexico City. These were very probably produced by the massive celebrations," the blog reads.该机构在博客中称:“比赛进行到第35分钟零7秒时,墨西哥队攻破德国队大门。这时我们的系统监测到一次地震,墨西哥城内至少有两台地震仪捕捉到了这次地震。这很可能是由于大规模人群的狂欢造成的。”The Institute of Geological and Atmospheric Investigations then goes on to clarify that "such events are not at all big".该机构随后澄清说:“这种地表活动很轻微。”It points out that only very sensitive equipment located near celebrating crowds would pick up such activity.该机构指出,只有靠近欢庆人群的非常敏感的设备才能捕捉到这种地表活动。One of the main sites where fans gathered, Mexico City's Angel of Independence statue, is not far from one of the seismometers which registered the movement.球迷主要聚集地之一位于墨西哥城的独立天使雕像,这里距离记录到这次地表活动的一台地震仪不远。Was it a quake or not?这算得上一次地震吗?On its blog, the Institute of Geological and Atmospheric Investigations makes it clear that such events cannot be felt by the general population.墨西哥地质与大气调查研究所在其官方博客中明确指出,公众觉察不出这种程度的地震。"These [events] can't be measured in magnitudes, which is why they are not called quakes, or if they are, they have to be accompanied by the word 'artificial' to show clearly that it is not a geological event," the blog explains.博客中解释说:“这种地震无法用震级去测量,所以它们不是真正的地震。就算能称得上地震,也要说成是‘人造’地震,以明确表示这并非地质活动。”How wild were the celebrations?
庆祝时人们有多激动?Judge for yourself:自己看图感受一下吧:Has something like this happened before?之前发生过类似情景吗?Yes, a 1988 college American football game between Louisiana State University and Auburn was dubbed "Earthquake Game" after an LSU touchdown in the last minutes of the game caused fans in Tiger Stadium to erupt in such celebrations that it was picked up by a seismometer in the university's geosciences complex.是的。1988年路易斯安娜州立大学队对阵奥本大学队的橄榄球比赛就被称为“地震之战”。路易斯安娜州立大学队在比赛临近结束时触地得分,引发泰格体育馆球迷狂欢。该校地球科学系教学楼内的一台地震仪就捕捉到了这次地震。A blip coinciding with the winning touchdown could be seen on the seismograph.在球队得分的一刻,地震仪上出现了一个光点。More recently, Leicester City fans caused a tremor when they celebrated a last-minute goal against Norwich in 2016.2016年,莱斯特城队在与诺威齐队交战时最后一刻攻入一粒进球,球迷的狂欢也引发了一次轻微地震。