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时间: 2018-06-23 16:23; 作者: 高中作文网  电脑版浏览

Forget the struggles of completing an Oxbridge degree -- a group of economists have calculated that appearing as a contestant on British reality TV show Love Island for eight weeks is likely to net you more money over the course of your life than three years at Oxford or Cambridge university. 忘掉读完牛津和剑桥大学学位要付出的艰苦努力吧!一些经济学家估计,在英国电视真人秀《爱岛》作为参赛选手出镜8周给你的一生带来的收入,可能要超过在牛津或剑桥大学苦读3年。 Analysis by Frontier Economics, an economic consultancy, estimated that someone who appears on the show could expect to earn 1.1 million pounds from subsequent sponsorship and appearance fees compared with a lifetime average return of 815,000 pounds from completing an undergraduate degree at Oxbridge. 经济咨询机构Frontier Economics的分析估计,参加这档电视节目的人预计可从随后的赞助和出场费中获得110万英镑收入,而完成牛津/剑桥大学本科学位的平均终身回报为81.5万英镑。

"If you've got an offer from Oxbridge and Love Island, you're better off going on Love Island," said Kristine Dislere, who completed her masters degree in economics at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. 在加拿大温哥华的不列颠哥伦比亚大学完成经济学硕士学位的克里斯蒂娜·迪斯莱尔表示:“如果你同时得到牛津/剑桥大学和《爱岛》的邀请,去《爱岛》更有钱途。” But Dislere cautioned that despite the financial gains from up to eight weeks of event television, any teenager should still favor the academic route because the odds of getting a place are so much better. 但迪斯莱尔告诫称,尽管最多8周的电视节目会带来不菲的金钱收益,但青少年仍应看重学术路线,因为进入大学的几率要大得多。 "One major thing we haven't included are the odds of getting to Love Island and the odds are stacked against you," she said. 她说道:“我们没有计入的重要问题是跻身《爱岛》的几率,这种几率对你十分不利。”

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