Twenty-five Chinese companies were listed among the world's top 100 most innovative companies in emerging markets, with more firms tapping into opportunities to put digital technologies at the heart of their operations, according to a report by the Boston Consulting Group. 根据波士顿咨询公司的一份报告显示,近期,有25家中国企业入围新兴市场领域世界最具创新型企业100强名单,而且越来越多的企业抓住机遇,并把数字化技术作为经营核心。 The 100 companies, or what the report called global challenges, refer to those that are able to leverage digital technologies both to win in emerging markets and to compete globally with multinationals. 报告中所说的全球百强创新企业,指的是那些能够利用数字化技术在新兴市场领域,同跨国公司进行全球竞争,从而胜出的公司。 These include electric appliances provider Haier Group Corp, tech firm Xiaomi Corp, and medical equipment provider Mindray Medical International Ltd, according to a report by the Boston Consulting Group earlier this month. 波士顿咨询公司本月早些时候发布的一份报告显示,这些公司包括电器供应商海尔集团、科技公司小米集团和医疗设备供应商迈瑞医疗国际有限公司。
The emerging markets are increasingly relying on tech innovation, as both enterprises and consumers use online technologies for a better and more convenient experience, according to the report. 该报告指出,新兴市场越来越依赖于科技创新,企业为消费者提供在线使用技术,以满足客户更好、更便捷的体验。 "The challengers are well-positioned themselves to use new techniques and business strategies to make their products stand out from their competitors," said Ted Chan, a partner in the Boston Consulting Group. 波士顿咨询集团合伙人陈庆麟表示:“创新企业善于很好定位自己,并利用新技术和商业战略,使他们的产品从竞争对手中脱颖而出。” About 60 percent of the companies on the 2018 global challenger list are either digital natives or significant digital adopters, compared with only 17 percent that made significant use of digital technologies in 2012, according to the report. 报告显示,在2018年全球百强最具创新型企业排行榜上,约60%的公司是数字化原生代或者是重要的数字化使用者,而在2012年,只有17%的公司使用数字化技术。