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芝加哥一公寓楼发生大火 致8人死亡

时间: 2018-05-31 16:23; 作者: 高中作文网  电脑版浏览

At least six children and two adults were killed early last Sunday after a fire broke out in a Chicago apartment without working smoke detectors, fire officials said. 消防部门称,上周日清晨,芝加哥一所公寓发生火灾,导致至少6名儿童和2名成年人死亡。 A teenager and another adult were taken to the hospital in "very critical condition." A Chicago firefighter was taken to the hospital in good condition, the fire department said. 另有一名少年和一名成年人被紧急送往医院,伤势严重。芝加哥消防部门表示,一名消防员也因伤被送往医院,目前情况良好。 The blaze broke out around 4 a.m. inside the three-story apartment building, the Chicago Tribune reported. Flames engulfed at least two buildings, including a coach house. 据《芝加哥论坛报》报道,事发当天凌晨4点左右,这栋三层公寓楼内发生了火灾。大火吞噬了至少两座建筑物,包括一间马车房。

Denise Mercado told the newspaper she and her five children woke up when they smelled smoke. She rushed to get her family out of the house. 丹尼斯·梅尔卡多告诉记者,她和她的五个孩子在闻到烟味后醒了过来。随后她带着自己的家人急忙逃出了房子。 The fire was put out just after 5 a.m. 凌晨5点之后,此次大火被扑灭了。 At the hospital, a woman cried, "I can't live without my babies." 在医院里,一个女人哭着说:“没有了孩子,我活不下去。” The ages of children and adults killed were not released, though Chicago Fire Department spokesman Larry Merritt said they were from the same residence. 芝加哥消防局发言人拉里·梅里特表示,死者来自同一住所,但并未公布孩子和成年人的年龄。 It's unclear what caused the fire at this time. Investigators did not find smoke detectors in the apartment. 目前尚不清楚起火的原因。调查人员在公寓里没有发现烟感报警器。

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