#1 Not Using Turning Signals
When did it become normal for people to ignore the most basic rules of driving?从什么时候起,人们普遍忽视这条最基本的驾驶规则了?#2 Not Letting People Get Out Of Busses And Elevators Before Entering搭乘公交或电梯时,不等里面的人出来It makes a lot more sense than you trying to push yourself into the crowd who’s trying to get out anyway. Just stand aside, let people out, and then get in.让里面的人先出来,比你试着穿过一拥而下的人群,硬挤上去要好得多。站到一边,让人家出来,然后再进去吧。#3 Listening To Music Without Headphones
公共场合不戴耳机听音乐You think your music taste is great? Perfect, go study music, become a DJ or a producer, but please don’t shove your music taste onto other people who would rather listen to silence than the latest remix of DJ Khaled’s new song while sitting on a bus on their way to home.你认为自己的音乐品味很棒是么?好啊,去学音乐,成为DJ或音乐制作人,但拜托你,不要将你的音乐品味强加到别人身上,比起听DJ哈立德的混音新作,坐公车回家的人们宁愿周围安安静静的。#4 Being Rude To Your Server对服务员态度粗鲁Imagine working 12 hour shifts, always on your feet, tired as hell, and then dealing with the most annoying and rude customers? Yeah, don’t be that person who thinks waitresses have to deal with your terrible attitude. They’re just here to do their job and leave, don’t make it harder than it is.想象一下,上了12个小时的班,一直站着,都快累死了,还要应付最讨厌最粗鲁的顾客?不要觉得服务员就应该忍受你糟糕的态度。他们为你服务只是一份工作,不要让人家的工作更难做。#5 Standing On The Left Side And Blocking The Way站在电梯左边挡道Every country is different, but usually you walk on the left and you stand on the right, it’s that simple.每个国家的电梯规则不一样,但通常来说都是靠右站立,电梯左边是让人行走的,就是这么简单。#6 Not Putting Your Stuff Back On The Proper Shelves In Grocery Stores在超市购物时,不把东西放回原位Just because you decided you don’t need that item anymore doesn’t mean somebody else should have to put it back to its place. Your ignorance creates extra work for the already busy grocery store employees so put the stuff back from where you took it.你决定自己不需要这件商品了,不意味着该由别人将它放回原位。你的疏忽会给本就很忙的超市员工增加更多工作量,所以你还是自己把东西放回原位吧。#7 Swiping Right When Someone Hands You Their Phone To Show A Picture别人让你看手机上的一张照片,你却擅自浏览手机上的其他照片They only wanted to show you one picture, you do not have the right to scroll through their photos and check what they have on their phone. Imagine how awkward it would be if you would stumble on something very private?他们只想给你看一张照片,你没有权利浏览他们的照片库,查看别人手机上的其他照片。想象一下,如果你不小心看到人家非常私密的照片,那该有多尴尬啊。#8 Texting While Driving开车时发短信Just don’t do this one. Don’t. You’re risking yours and someone else’s life for a text, it’s not worth it, and no matter what you’re typing, it will never be as important as being safe at the road.不要在开车时发短信。千万不要。为了一条短信,你在拿自己和别人的生命去冒险,无论你要发的是什么短信,都不值得,绝对不会比行车安全更重要。#9 Not Washing Your Hands After Using The Bathroom上完厕所不洗手Nobody wants to touch your hands after you used the toilet, and it’s even worse since nobody is ever sure who washed their hands and who didn’t. Be kind to others and stop sharing you bacteria.谁也不想碰一个刚上完厕所的人的手,更恶心的是,没有人知道你上完厕所有没有洗手。对别人好一点,不要再分享你的细菌了。#10 Not Cleaning Up After Your Dog不给狗狗“善后”(收拾便便)Picking up poop and throwing it away takes way less time than stepping in it and cleaning it up, not to mention getting rid of the smell. So, if you want a dog, understand that it comes with a poop that you’ll have to pick up.拾起狗狗的便便扔掉,比踩到狗屎再清理更省时间,且不说踩到狗屎还要去除屎臭味。所以,如果你想养狗,你要心里有数:狗狗会拉便便,而你必须给它“善后”。#11 Throwing Something Into A Trash Bin, Missing It, And Not Picking It Up把东西往垃圾桶里扔,没扔进去,但也没捡起来Struggling with your aim? Then maybe just try walking to the trash bin? Who would have thought that it’s that simple? Groundbreaking.扔垃圾扔不准?不如走到垃圾桶边再扔?这么简单的事为什么大家都没想到?是不是让你恍然大悟?#12 Not Dimming Your Car’s Front Lights While Driving Past Someone In The Dark在黑暗中开车经过其他车辆和行人时不把汽车前灯调暗Always remember that your lights can be blinding other people and distracting them from the road, so please make sure that your lights are not too bright.永远要记得,你的车灯会让别人目眩,分散他人对路况的注意力,所以请确保车灯不要开得太亮。#13 Snapping Fingers At A Server对着服务员打响指Just don’t. It’s rude, obnoxious and degrading.不要打响指。这种做法粗鲁、可憎又低级。#14 Not Covering Your Mouth While Coughing咳嗽时不捂嘴According to Live Science, one cough can release as much as 3,000 droplets of saliva, and they can fly as fast as 50 miles per hour. And sneezing can force as much as 40,000 droplets of saliva. Is there anything else we need to say to prove our point? Covering your mouth is not an option but an absolute must.据《生活科学》杂志报道,一个咳嗽会释放3000微滴唾液,这些唾液的时速高达50英里(80千米)。打喷嚏则会释放4万微滴唾液。还需要再说什么来证明吗?捂住嘴不是一个可选项,而是绝对必须做到的。#15 Checking Your Phone In The Middle Of A Conversation在谈话中间看手机Unless it’s actually urgent, please do not check your phone in the middle of a conversation with someone. It seems like you’re bored, and you make other people feel uncomfortable. Also, it’s one thing to quickly check the time and another when you just keep scrolling.除非真的有紧急的事,否则请不要在和某人谈话时看手机。这会显得你很无聊,也会让对方感觉不舒服。另外,快速查看手机上的时间是一回事,一直翻阅手机是另一回事。#16 Blocking Pedestrian Crossings With Your Car把车停在斑马线上If you’re in a car, you’re not a pedestrian, so anything that is strictly dedicated to pedestrians is something you shouldn’t be driving on, especially sidewalks and pedestrian crossings. Is this so hard to understand??如果你是开车而不是走路,就不应该开到任何专属于行人的过道上,尤其是人行道和人行横道。这个很难理解吗?#17 Eating Stinky Food In Public在公共场合吃味道冲的食物We get it, you’re busy, you didn’t have time to eat and you’re just too hungry to wait until you get back home and fill your tummy. But please, be considerate of others and avoid eating stinky food like tuna sandwiches in public, especially buses or trains, where nobody can escape the smell.我们知道,你很忙,没时间吃东西,而且肚子很饿,等不到回家再吃。但是,请为他人着想一下,不要在公共场合吃金枪鱼三明治等味道冲的食物,尤其是巴士或列车上,在那里人们不想闻也逃不掉。#18 Sitting Close To Someone On An Empty Bus在空车上坐在某人旁边This one is just creepy. Why would you choose to invade someone else’s private space when there are plenty of free seats on the bus?这一点真是让人毛骨悚然。巴士上有那么多空座位,为什么要选择入侵别人的私人空间呢?