
高中作文 初中作文 小学作文 高考作文 话题作文 体裁作文 读后感400字 读后感200字 读后感300字 读后感500字 读后感600字 读后感800字


时间: 2014-05-29 09:17; 作者: 高中作文网 电脑版浏览

  Featuring some of the most spectacular action scenes ever recorded on film (the train/bus wreck that frees Kimble, the dive off a dam into the churning maelstrom of the reservoir), as well as two slam-bang fistfights when Kimble finally gets 'justice', THE FUGITIVE still is remembered primarily for the suspenseful Jones/Ford 'cat-and-mouse' chase, cross-country, and the grudging respect that grows between them…which, ultimately, was what the TV series was best remembered for, as well.
  There is magic, here!
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