Senior, Nicole Steen said, “I myself have always used bottled water and then recycled it after I was done using it. After considering that bottle water and tap water has little to no differences I will try and “ditch bottled water” and begin using reusable water bottles.” Changing the world for a positive has to start somewhere and while it may be hard and at times it may seem as if the small changes that are being done are not impacting the world keep in mind what Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” 3. 少喝瓶装水 大多数人选择瓶装饮用水是因为他们觉得喝这样的水比喝自来水健康,而事实却并非如此,25%的瓶装水来源于自来水,只不过被过滤了一下而已。美国食品药品管理局对自来水的要求比瓶装水更高。瓶装水公司无需标明瓶装水的水源地、过滤方法和塑料瓶化学品含量。90%的塑料瓶未被回收,变成150万吨塑料填埋到地下,而土地分解这些塑料需要上千年。瓶装水与自来水无异,价格却更高。普通的一箱24瓶装的瓶装水在沃尔玛卖3.97美元,便携水壶的价格在4.99美元-7.99美元之间;算算如果你自备便携水壶放弃瓶装水能省下多少钱吧。 高年级学生妮可•史蒂恩说:“我以前常喝瓶装水,喝完了会回收塑料瓶。后来发现瓶装水和自来水没什么区别,我就再也不喝瓶装水了,而是自备水壶。” 我们必须尽自己一份力让世界变得更美好。这并非易事,你可能会偶尔气馁,那就想想玛格丽特•米德说过的那句话吧:“不要怀疑那些有想法有决心的人们改变世界的能力;事实上,改变世界的恰恰就是这样的人们。” (责任编辑:admin) |