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水浒传读后感600字 水浒传英文读后感(2)

时间: 2014-02-03 17:13; 作者: 高中作文网  电脑版浏览

Until now, I am still their outcome sigh. But then I thought, to think what can it? Perhaps that is the best outcome. That era of their achievements, but also to destroy them. But in the end, their love still exists, I think Wu the Huarong suicide with Song Jiang, my eyes filled with tears.

In the world of books, I forget the time just lamented that story, I forgot the space in the world of books, I sink deeply fascinated with those heroes heart.

Book, take my soul is sublimation in bit by bit!水浒传读后感600字


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  • 下一篇:十四岁,我多了一份沉着600字作文
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