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时间: 2018-01-02 16:50; 作者: 高中作文网  电脑版浏览
What If Dogs Think We Are Immortal?


Someone posted that concept on Tumblr, and the responses that came in brought tears to my eyes.


"They live so long… but the good ones still bond with us for our entire lives."


"These immortals are so kind we must be good friends to them."


Many dogs never get to see their owners grow old and weak:


"Now I am old. The fur around my muzzle is grey and my joints ache when we walk together. Yet she remains unchanged, her hair still glossy, her skin still fresh, her step still sprightly. Time doesn’t touch her and yet I love her still."


But some do:


"For generations, he has guarded over my family. Since the days of my great-great-great-great-great-grandfather he has kept us safe. For so long we thought him immortal. But now I see differently, for just as my fur grows gray and my joints grow stiff, so too do his. I will be the last that he cares for. My only hope is that I am able to last until his final moments. The death of one of his kind is so rare. The ending of a life so long is such a tragedy. He has seen so much, he knows so much. I know he takes comfort in my presence. I only wish that I will be able to give him this comfort until the end."


  • 上一篇:把时间看做投资,生活就不一样了
  • 下一篇:我决定从此过上幸福的生活
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