A cab company in one of Japan’s major cities is trialling a new feature by introducing silent taxi drivers.
Miyako Taxi, which is based in Kyoto, unveiled the new idea last month without much fanfare.上个月,总部位于京都的宫古出租车公司公布了这个新理念,但是并没有做过多宣传。The business is currently operating five “Silence Taxis” across the city as part of a trial.该公司目前在全市运营5辆“沉默出租车”,作为试运行。The cars look like any ordinary taxi but a notice written on the back of the passenger seat will inform passengers that they have entered one of the new silent fleet.试点车辆外观与正常出租车没有差别,只是在乘客座椅的靠背贴有公告,提示乘客他们乘坐的是新运行的“沉默出租车”。Drivers will offer a greeting when their fare enters the car, and aside from confirming the route they will not engage in small talk.乘客上车后,司机除去欢迎问候以及确认路线,不会再进行任何闲聊。The drivers can indulge in conversation, but only if they are spoken to first, and they are also allowed to communicate in emergency situations.如果乘客和司机搭话,司机也可以与乘客交谈,公司也允许司机在紧急情况下与乘客沟通。Announcing the idea, Miyako Taxi said: “This service is currently in a trial stage, with the goal of creating an in-car atmosphere that provides the most comfortable ride for passengers through limiting the driver’s speaking.”发布这一理念时,宫古出租车公司说:“这项服务正在试运行阶段,我们的目的在于通过限制司机说话,为乘客营造一个最为舒适的乘车环境。”Other than the latest initiative, the company has no official policy either way covering chatting in taxis.
除去当前的试运行活动,该公司还没有出台关于车内交谈的正式规定。According to Japan Today, they made the move after hearing reports from passengers that they were fed up being forced to indulge in chit-chat with their drivers.据Japan Today网站报道,该公司做出这项决定,是因为听到有乘客抱怨司机话唠,一直拉着他们聊天。And while some fares enjoyed being regaled with tales of Kyoto’s sights and attractions, it was seen as less appealing for residents of the sprawling city.有些乘客喜欢听司机讲京都风景名胜的故事,但对于居住在这座日益扩张的城市里的居民来说,这些故事没什么吸引力。The company will assess the popularity of the trial before deciding whether to expand it and roll it out across more of their drivers in their 354 taxis.宫古出租车公司将会事先评估沉默出租车的受欢迎程度,再决定是否扩大规模,推广到更多司机,全公司共有354辆出租车。