One police officer was killed and another injured in a shooting on the Champs Elysees in central Paris, according to French media reports Thursday evening.
据法国内政部( French interior ministry)消息,巴黎市中心香榭丽舍大道(Champs Elysees)发生枪击事件,造成一名警察遇难,另两名警察受重伤。法国总统奥朗德(Fran?ois Hollande)称,这是一起“恐怖袭击”。
BFM TV said the suspected gunman had been “neutralised” after the incident shortly before 9pm local time.BFM电视台称,在事件发生后、当地时间晚上不到9点,枪手被击毙。Images showed the Champs Elysees cordoned off and flooded with police vehicles.
画面显示,香榭丽舍大道被封锁,停满了警方车辆。The incident comes three days before the first round of presidential elections and amid a heightened terror alert.三天后,法国将举行总统大选首轮投票,目前该国正处于恐袭高度戒备状态。