China's economy continued to fare well in April, bolstered by deepening supply-side structural reform that is fueling innovation and the new economy, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said last Monday.
High-tech industry held up well, online retail sales increased at a fast pace, and job growth remained strong, said Xing Zhihong, spokesman for the NBS.国家统计局新闻发言人邢志宏称,高科技产业持续向好,在线零售额增长迅速,就业增长保持强劲。"The fundamentals of China's economy remain sound and sustainable despite slowing growth of some economic indicators," he said.他表示:“尽管部分经济指标增速出现回落,我国经济的基本面延续了稳中向好的态势。”Official data showed the country's industrial output expanded by 6.5% year-on-year in April, 0.5 percentage point higher than a year earlier, but 1.1 percentage points lower than in March.
官方数据显示,4月,我国工业产值同比增长6.5%,增速比上一年加快0.5个百分点,但较上月回落1.1个百分点。Analysts, however, said China's full-year economic growth might decrease moderately.不过分析人士称,我国全年的经济增速可能会出现适度下降。"Several downside risks might come from infrastructure and real estate sectors (this year)," said Zhu Yiping, an analyst at Western Securities Co.西部证券分析师朱一平称:“今年多个下行风险可能来自基础设施和房地产领域。”