China's most popular spirit brand, Moutai, will establish a college to teach wine-related science, in an effort to promote China's national liquor brand worldwide.
Already approved by the Ministry of Education, Moutai College will have five undergraduate programs, including brewing engineering, ecological engineering and food quality and safety studies. The college aims to enroll 5,000 students and will place an emphasis on wine-related technologies, the Xinhua News Agency reported.据新华社报道,茅台学院已获教育部批准,它将开设五个本科生专业,包括酿酒工程、资源循环工程和食品质量与安全研究。该学校目标录取5000名学生,重点则放在与酒相关的技术上。Similar to Russian vodka, Moutai is a distilled spirit made from sorghum, wheat or rice.与俄罗斯伏特加类似,茅台是一种由高粱、小麦或大米制成的蒸馏酒。With a history that dates back to the 1st century B.C., the brand first impressed foreigners with its mellow aroma and smooth taste at the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition. It is also a popular drink at state functions.
其历史可追溯至公元前1世纪,在1915年巴拿马-太平洋国际博览会上,茅台以其沁人心脾首次给外国人留下了深刻印象。它还是政府部门内一种十分受欢迎的酒类。Though the brand has a remarkable reputation both domestically and abroad, its sales have slumped in recent years, partly because of the Chinese government's crackdown on corruption, which has reduced the number of extravagant government receptions and gift exchanges.虽然茅台蜚声中外,但其销量近年来暴跌,部分原因是中国政府的反腐,该运动已经减少了政府奢靡接待宴和礼物交换的次数。Facing this domestic downturn, the company has been exploring global cooperation with five overseas agencies in an attempt to become the world's No. 1 liquor brand.面对国内低迷的状况,该公司一直与五个海外机构探索全球合作,旨在将茅台打造成全球首屈一指的酒品牌。Some experts believe that the establishment of Moutai College will provide the company with a pool of professionals and a technological edge. It also could help Moutai to tap into the foreign market.一些专家认为,茅台学院的设立,将为该公司提供专业人才库和技术优势,还有助于茅台进军国外市场。