Leo Varadkar is set to become the Republic of Ireland's next taoiseach (prime minister) after winning the leadership of the Fine Gael party.
The 38-year-old will become the first gay taoiseach and will also be the country's youngest ever leader.38岁的他将成为首位同性恋总理,也将会是爱尔兰史上最为年轻的领导人。Mr Varadkar beat his rival, Housing Minister Simon Coveney, with 60% of the votes to lead Fine Gael - the biggest party in the coalition government瓦拉德击败了他的对手、住房部长西蒙·科文尼,凭借60%的选票领导统一党(联合政府中势力最大的党派)。He will succeed Enda Kenny as leader of the centre-right party within weeks.
他将在数周内接任恩达·肯尼,担任中右翼党派领导人。The former GP is the son of an Irish nurse and a doctor from India and much of the media coverage of his victory has focused on Mr Varadkar's background, age and sexuality.这位曾经的全科医生,是一名爱尔兰护士和一名印度医生的儿子,媒体对瓦拉德胜出的报道主要集中在他的背景、年龄和性取向上。The former first minister of Northern Ireland, DUP leader Arlene Foster, has spoken on the phone to congratulate Mr Varadkar. He has also received a letter from Prime Minister Theresa May.北爱尔兰前首席部长、民主统一党领导人阿琳·福斯特在电话中祝贺了瓦拉德。另外,他还收到了一封来自特蕾莎·梅首相的信。