The employment rate of college graduates remained high last year, according to a report released last Monday.
The latest Chinese College Graduates' Employment Report put the employment rate of college graduates for 2016 at 91.6% - about the same as the 91.7% for the class of 2015, but a fraction lower than the 92.2% for the class of 2014.最新的《中国大学生就业报告》显示,2016届大学毕业生的就业率为91.6%,与2015届的91.7%基本持平,但略低于2014届的92.2%。The report by MyCOS, an education consultancy in Beijing, was based on a survey of 289,000 college graduates in 31 provincial-level regions.北京教育咨询机构麦可思的这份报告是基于对31个省(区、市)的28.9万名大学毕业生的调查得出的。Guo Jiao, deputy director of the MyCOS Research Institute, said the stable employment rate last year was driven by two factors: Many college graduates went on to pursue higher academic degrees, while others started their own businesses.
麦可思研究院副院长郭娇表示,去年就业率稳定由两个因素驱动:一是许多大学毕业生继续攻读更高学位,二是还有一些大学毕业生自主创业。According to the report, 10.3% of graduates chose to continue their studies last year, while 3% became their own bosses.根据报告显示,去年有10.3%的毕业生选择继续深造,3%的毕业生自主创业。The report also said more college graduates last year opted to work in knowledge-intensive industries (information, education), while the number of those who landed jobs in labor-intensive industries shrank (civil engineering, manufacturing), indicating that these traditional industries were facing challenges and needed upgrading.该报告还称,去年有更多的大学毕业生选择从事信息、教育等知识密集型产业的工作,就业于土木工程、制造等劳动密集型产业的大学生数量则有所减少,这显示出这些传统产业正面临挑战、需进行产业升级。