Artificial intelligence (AI) is considered by Chinese entrepreneurs as the most promising area in the innovation economy in 2018, says a Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) report released last Tuesday.
According to the bank's China Startup Outlook 2018 report, 36% of surveyed Chinese startup executives are most confident in the prospects of AI, followed by life science/healthcare (16%) and big data (11%). 根据该行2018年中国初创公司展望报告,36%受访的中国初创企业高管都对人工智能的前景最有信心,其次被看好的领域分别是生命科学/医疗保健(16%)和大数据(11%)。The report is based on 1,045 responses to SVB's annual survey among startup leaders around the world, mostly from the US, China and the UK.该报告是基于对世界各地创业公司领导人的年度调查,其中大部分来自美国、中国和英国。It shows that 80% of Chinese entrepreneurs think this year's business conditions will be better than those of last year.
报告显示,80%的中国初创企业家认为2018年的营商环境比去年要好。On the other hand, difficulties remain in fundraising and securing talent. 另一方面,在筹资和招揽人才方面仍存在困难。Data show that 88% Chinese startups say it is challenging to raise capital, and only 1% of them think finding skilled talent is not a problem.数据显示,88%的中国初创企业表示筹措资金非常困难,仅1%的企业认为寻找有能力的人才不是问题。