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安东尼离开老鹰得到的礼物 美金和限量版球衣!

时间: 2018-05-16 16:23; 作者: 高中作文网  电脑版浏览


The Atlanta Hawks just created the ultimate collector's item. 亚特兰大老鹰队最近爆出了一件典藏珍品。 The team, which came to terms on a $25.5 million buyout with Carmelo Anthony five days after acquiring him from the Oklahoma City Thunder, tweeted out a photo of the never-worn jersey they're sending to the 10-time All-Star in response to a request he made last month. 老鹰队官推发送了一张甜瓜安东尼的球衣照片。而这件球衣也将送给安东尼,来满足这位10届全明星阵容球员上个月的要求。值得一提的是,在从雷霆交易得到甜瓜安东尼五天之后,老鹰队便买断了甜瓜最后一年价值2550万的全额合同。 Anthony's longtime friend and frequent USA Basketball teammate LeBron James used the occasion to congratulate Anthony on his ... "memorable" time in Atlanta. 作为安东尼的多年好友以及国家队队友,詹姆斯禁不住调侃道:“真是难忘的亚特兰大之旅啊兄弟”。

Though it'll likely never hang in the rafters at Philips Arena, Anthony's Hawks jersey will almost certainly become an instant favorite among Las Vegas Summer League denizens and Coachella attendees, joining the likes of Andrew Wiggins' Cleveland Cavaliers jersey, Andrew Bynum's Philadelphia 76ers jersey and — also from this summer — Dwight Howard's Brooklyn Nets jersey. 尽管安东尼的老鹰球衣很可能不会真的被高挂在老鹰主场球馆上方,安东尼的老鹰球衣仍成了拉斯维加斯和科切拉吃瓜群众的新谈资。而这种“过路球衣”与当年骑士队安德鲁维金斯的球衣,76人队拜纳姆的球衣,以及今年夏天篮网德怀特霍华德的球衣如出一辙。 Off course, the Hawks could form a formidable lineup of players who were on their roster but never wore their jersey in a game, from veteran buyouts such as Gary Payton and Antawn Jamison to selections traded on draft day such as Pau Gasol and Luka Doncic. That doesn't even include Hall of Famer Julius Erving, who did, in fact, play for Atlanta in the preseason but was forced back to the ABA by contractual issues. 从球队的历史看,那些未曾穿过老鹰球衣的“老鹰队员”都可以组一支球队了。我们耳熟能详的被老鹰买断的球员有加里佩顿,贾米森,以及被他们选中后当天被交易的加索尔和东契奇甚至还有大名鼎鼎的名人堂球员朱利叶斯欧文。严格意义上说朱利叶斯欧文穿过老鹰的球衣并帮他们打了季前赛,可却因合同问题只能回去ABA联盟。 It also remains to be seen if Melo's one-of-a-kind jersey becomes as popular among NBA hipsters as the current gold standard of obscure Hawks jerseys: Rasheed Wallace. The former NBA champion suited up for exactly one game for the Hawks, scoring 20 points in his only appearance in the 10 days between being acquired from the Portland Trail Blazers and being traded to the Detroit Pistons. 安东尼的绝版球衣是否会像杰拉德华莱士的老鹰球衣那样大受追捧我们现在还无法预知。前NBA冠军成员杰拉德华莱士在被开拓者交易到活塞10天期间曾身披老鹰球衣出战一场并砍下20分。

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