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日本公司推AI摄像头 用来识别小偷

时间: 2018-05-17 16:23; 作者: 高中作文网  电脑版浏览

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to seep into our daily lives. Now, AI has been tasked with tackling a crime: shoplifting. 人工智能(AI)不断渗透我们的日常生活。如今,AI又被用来应对一种犯罪:入店行窃。 NTT and tech company Earth Eyes have joined up to create AI Guardman. 日本电报电话公司,已经联手科技公司Earth Eyes,打造出AI Guardman。 This is a new type of security camera that is backed up with an AI system that can detect behaviors attributed to shoplifters. 这是一种新型安全摄像头,配有AI系统,可以检测到疑似商店扒手的行为。

The way it works is simple. The camera watches the store interior and identifies all the humans inside as they walk about. 该摄像头的工作方式很简单。它会监视着商店的内部,并在所有人走动时识别出里面的所有人。 AI Guardman is aware of the different techniques commonly used by shoplifters in different types of stores, such as looking for blindspots in supermarkets or constantly checking one's surroundings in bookstores. AI Guardman对扒手在不同种类的商店使用的不同惯用伎俩了熟于心。比如说扒手会在超市里寻找盲点,或者在书店里不停地查看周围的环境。 Preliminary tests appear to be effective. Trials have been conducted by major retailers, and it is expected that the system will get stronger as it is used. 一些主流零售商试用了该系统,初步测试似乎效果显著,预计该系统将在使用过程中变得更加强大。 The AI Guardman costs a fair amount. One camera, which has a range of 13 meters, costs $2,200 up front. Then, there's the $41 per camera monthly fee for usage of the cloud data it produces. AI Guardman价格不菲,一个监视范围为13米的摄像头的预购价高达2200美元。此外,每个摄像头每月还需支付41美元的云数据使用费。

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