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时间: 2018-08-30 11:21; 作者: 高中作文网  电脑版浏览

More than 300 newspapers joined a nationwide effort to publish editorials last Thursday pushing back against President Donald Trump's ramped-up rhetoric against news media. 上周四,300多家报纸联合在美国全国范围内发表社论,抗议总统唐纳德·特朗普对媒体的一系列恶意攻击。 "This dirty war on the free press must end," Marjorie Pritchard, the Boston Globe's editorial page deputy managing editor said in a statement obtained by ABC News. 《波士顿环球报》社论版副总编马乔里·普里查德通过美国广播公司在一份声明中表示:“这场针对自由新闻的战争必须结束。” "It calls for urgent action by those committed to free speech and the free press to stand against a White House and its allies who are bent on eroding a pillar of an informed democracy." “这要求那些致力于言论自由和新闻自由的人采取紧急行动,与白宫及那些致力于反对信息自由的力量进行对抗。”


Publications ranging from the New York Times to smaller regional publications such as the South Bend Tribune are part of the initiative. 从《纽约时报》到《南本德论坛报》等较小地区性新闻出版机构都表明要参与本次活动。 Since his inauguration, President Trump has characterized major news organizations as "the enemy of the people". 特朗普总统就职以来,一直将主要新闻媒体机构定性为“人民公敌”。 In a series of tweets last Thursday, Trump repeated the claim and declared "THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA IS THE OPPOSITION PARTY. It is very bad for our Great Country....BUT WE ARE WINNING!" 在上周四的一系列推文中,特朗普重申了这一说法,并宣称“假新闻媒体是反对派。这对我们伟大的国家来说非常糟糕...但我们必将赢得胜利!” First amendment experts have raised concerns over the president's tone toward the media and worry about the possibility of violence towards the press. 第一修正案专家对总统针对媒体的语气表示了担忧,并担心会存在对媒体采取暴力的可能性。

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