The latest Disney animated classic to get the live-action remake treatment is Aladdin and the studio has finally released a first look at the movie. 迪士尼经典动画电影《阿拉丁》获得了真人版的翻拍许可,该工作室最终发布了这部电影的第一个预告片。 Much like its animated-to-live-action predecessor Beauty and the Beast, the live-action Aladdin remake appears to be a shot-by-shot remake of the original, at least based on the teaser trailer Disney released on Thursday. 至少基于迪斯尼周四发布的先行预告片可以看出,它和之前翻拍的《美女与野兽》的真人版很像,《阿拉丁》的真人电影似乎是对原版的各个镜头的重拍。 The live-action adaptation of Aladdin has been in works at Disney for a while and the production has already had its share of controversy. 改编自《阿拉丁》的真人电影已经在迪斯尼公司筹备了一段时间了,这部电影的制作也已经引起了争议。
In September 2017, the studio was hit with criticism following the announcement that a white character, named Prince Anders and played by Billy Magnussen, had been added to the live-action remake (which is, of course, proof that it won't be an exact copy of the animated film). 2017年9月,该工作室受到了一些评判,由于电影公司宣布由比利·马格努森饰演的白人角色安德斯王子会被添加到真人版翻拍影片中(当然,这也证实了这并不是和这部动画电影一模一样的翻版)。 Disney announced the film's main cast in July 2017, at its D23 Expo. Canadian actor Mena Massoud was cast in the title role as lovable street rat Aladdin, and British actress Naomi Scott was chosen to play Princess Jasmine. 迪士尼在2017年7月的D23博览会上宣布了这部电影的主要演员,加拿大演员Mena Massoud扮演可爱的街头老鼠阿拉丁,英国演员Naomi Scott扮演茉莉公主。 Will Smith, who is playing the Genie, taking over the iconic role originated by Robin Williams in the 1992 classic, posted the first photo from the new movie's set in September 2017. 在2017年9月发布的这部新电影的首张剧照中可以看出,威尔·史密斯将在这部1992年的经典电影中饰演精灵,接替由罗宾·威廉姆斯扮演的标志性角色。