Dear Dad,
Over the past few months, you've talked a lot about me — maybe more than some people cared for. So with Father's Day coming up I thought that writing this would be a good way for me to actually say a few things about you.在过去的几个月里,你一直在苦口婆心地讨论我——也许已经超出了某些人关心的范畴。所以在父亲节来临之际,我希望可以通过这封信,来聊聊你。The real you — not the person everyone has seen on TV. Just, my dad.那个真正的你——不是大家在电视上看到的那个你。只是,我的老爸。One of the things I admire most about you is that you don't really care what other people think. People can have whatever opinions they want about who you are as a person, but they'll never have all the facts. They'll never know you like I do.我最钦佩你的一点是你从来不在乎别人怎么想,别人对于你有千千万万种的看法,但是他们并不知道一切,他们永远不可能像我那样了解你。They weren't there when you cleared out our living room so that my brothers and I would have room to play games and just be kids.他们未曾看到,你将我们的客厅打扫的干干净净,只为我和我的弟弟们可以有地方玩耍,享受我们的童年时光They've never woken up to the smell of one of your signature breakfasts, which you made for us every single day when we were growing up.他们未曾看到,在我们成长的每一天里,刚起床就能闻到你做的早餐飘来的香味。nd they weren't there when you were making sure that I always took care of business in the classroom and graduated from high school with a 4.0 GPA. But you were.他们未曾看到,是你确保了我在课堂上不落人后,以GPA 4.0的成绩从高中毕业。他们未曾看到,但是你,一直都在。This probably won't surprise anybody, but for as long as I can remember you've always been the loudest person in the gym.这可能不是什么小秘密了,但是从我记事起,你就是那个在场边嚷嚷声最大的那一位。It didn't matter if you were coaching my team or sitting in the stands, I've always known you were watching me closely because I could always hear you. And that's how it's always been — you're not just present, you're involved.无论你是我的教练,还是只是站在人群中,我一直知道你的目光从未离开我,因为我一直能听见你的声音。这似乎成了亘古不变的定律——你不只是存在于场边,你早已融入进了我的比赛。When I was in middle school, I started dreaming of one day making it to the NBA. I wanted to be a point guard, just like Magic Johnson. You agreed to show me how to get there. You made your living training athletes — you still do — so I put my trust in you. And in return, you made me put in the work.那是初中的时候,我开始幻想着自已有朝一日可以跻身NBA。我想成为一名控球后卫,就像魔术师约翰逊那样。你同意帮助我实现我的目标,你的工作是运动训练师——现在仍然是——所以我相信了你。而作为回报,让我投入到了这项运动中去。I still have your schedule ingrained in my mind. I probably always will.我的脑海中仍清楚地记得你给我设置的训练时间表,我可能永远都不会忘记。Monday, Wednesday and Friday we did weights. Tuesday and Thursday we did pull-ups. Then there was the hill. Oh man, that hill.周一,周三和周五,我们一起做力量训练。周二和周四,我们一同做引体向上。还有那个小山坡要爬,哦天呐,那个小山坡。Every day, no matter what, you'd take LiAngelo and LaMelo and me around the corner from our house in Chino to run up and down that hill in the heat before bringing us back home to do sit-ups.每一天,你都会带着我和弟弟们,顶着热浪,从我们在奇诺岗家一直跑上那个小山坡,再跑下来,回家做仰卧起坐,无论春夏秋冬,风雨无阻。You were always out there with us, leading the way. You were there for every step. Pushing, encouraging and refusing to accept anything less than our very best. You never forced me to do any of it. You knew that you never needed to. You understood me.你一直陪在我们身边,带领我们前行。我们跑过的每一步旁都有你的脚印。你敦促着我,激励着我,但你从不接受我们不拿出自己做好的表现。你从来不逼迫我做任何事,因为你知道你不需要这么做,因为你,懂我。And when I did need some motivation, you always knew just how to push my buttons. It wasn't by making me do more reps or anything like that.当我需要激励的时候,你总能帮我找回状态。你并不会让我在训练时加练云云。It just came down to saying something simple like, “I hope you know that you're not getting better.” That was all I ever needed to hear from you to make me keep grinding.你只会说一些很简单的话,就像“我希望你知道你现在没有在进步”。这正是我所需要的,我也因此更加努力。Regardless of what comes next in my life, I'm always going to remember our family road trips to games. It would be you up front with mom, blasting music and getting my brothers and I hyped in the backseat.无论接下来我的人生会发生什么,我将会永远铭记我们去比赛时的家庭之旅。坐在前排你和妈妈,耳边那震耳欲聋音乐,和坐在后座上亢奋的我和弟弟们。The ride to a game was always a party, but the mood on the ride home, well, that all depended on how the game had gone.去比赛的路上永远快活得像个派对,但是回家的时候,呃,气氛就因比赛结果的而异了。You've never told me, “Great game,” and just left it at that. Win or lose, you've always been able to find something that I could improve. Some people are thrown off by your tone, but I've always known to internalize what you say rather than how you say it. Because when you unpack everything, there's always truth in what you tell me.你从来没有只说一句“打得好”就戛然而止了,无论输赢,你都能找到一些我需要提高的地方。有些人对你说话的方式感到嗤之以鼻,但是我所关注的,一直都是你说的内容,而不是你怎么说。因为当你抽丝剥茧,将话语层层打开后,我总能发现其中的真谛。I'll never forget the game we played against a travel team from New York a few years back. They were all older than us, and we were completely outsized.我永远都不会忘记几年前我们与一支来自纽约的球队的比赛。他们的年龄都比我们的大,而且我们的块头都完全小一号。I mean, Melo was probably a foot shorter than every single guy on that team. It was such a mismatch that I had to guard their power forward on defense.
拉梅洛(朗佐的弟弟)差不多比那支队伍的每个人都矮一英尺。这完全是一场实力差距悬殊的比赛,我在防守端还得防对面的大前锋。It was the type of game that most teams probably would have gone into knowing they were going to lose. In fact, most teams probably would have been satisfied with keeping the score within 20. Not our family, though.这差不多是那种每个人都知道我们会输的比赛。事实上,大多数球队在这种情况下只要输20分以内就心满意足了。但我们家绝对不是这样。We went out there and we ran those kids off the court. We rained threes on them and pressed the entire game. And we won. That was a really good ride home.我们在场上溜着对面打,让他们一个个都精疲力竭得下场休息。我们在他们头顶下起了三分雨,我们压着对面打了整场。最后我们赢了。那次回家的路上可欢乐了。A lot of people ask if I ever get sick of you talking about me. They see how I mostly keep to myself and assume that I'd rather you acted the same way.很多人都问我,我是不是已经受够了你喋喋不休地讨论我,他们看到我对这个话题都闭口不谈就自认为我也希望你也可以闭嘴。What they don't realize is all of the stuff that you've said about me in public is the same stuff you've been telling me privately my whole life. And a lot of the time, you've been right.但是他们并不知道,你在公众面前对我的评价和你私下里对我说的一模一样。而大多数时候,你都是正确的。Over the years, you've spoken so many things into reality that otherwise seemed impossible. Even on the night of the draft lottery, when the Lakers ended up in the top three, you started running around the house screaming, “I TOLD EVERYBODY! I TOLD THEM IT WOULD HAPPEN!” That was hilarious.这么多年来,你说过不少听起来想入非非的话,就像那晚的乐透签,当湖人队拿到前三的时候,你开始在房间里上蹿下跳,叫着:“我说的吧!我就知道这事会成!”这简直是太搞笑了。People may not see it, but I possess the very same confidence that you have. (I think Melo got all of the talking genes.) In fact, when I think about it, confidence is the most important thing that I inherited from you.其他人可能看不出来,但是我继承了你的自信。(我想拉梅洛继承了你的唠叨基因)事实上,我认为,自信是我从你身上学到队的最重要的东西。The difference is, I've internalized it. Everything you've told me, I've absorbed and used on the court. That's where I do my talking.不同的是,我将它珍藏了起来。你告诉我的每一件事,我都吸收了并运用到了球场上The confidence that you have in me makes me feel so strong. It's helped me to never back down from a challenge and to stay true to myself.你给予我的自信让我感到自己是多么的强大,它让我在困难面前勇往直前并保持真我。I'm going to be taking this next step to the NBA knowing that I'm ready. And no matter what's thrown at me, I know you're always going to have my back.我知道我已经准备好进入NBA了。无论面前是怎样的艰难险阻,我知道你一定会是我的坚实后盾。There's nothing I can ever do to really pay you back for all you've done for me. There might be a car or two I might have in mind, but I know that a car won't really cut it.你为我所做的一切,我无法报答。我脑子里可能想着给你买一辆车,但是我知道,一辆车远远不够。The best way I know how to repay you is by living up to the vision you've always had for me. You've always said that making it to the NBA is much easier than staying there.我知道的报答你最好的方式就是努力成为你眼中期许的我。你一直说,在NBA立足要比进入NBA难得多。I want to take the belief you've shown in me and justify it. I want you to see me play and be able to sit back with a sense of satisfaction knowing that I made it. That we made it.我不会辜负你的信任,并努力证明自己。我希望你能看到我的比赛并感受到成功的喜悦。那是属于我们的成功。I know there are a lot of kids who aren't lucky enough to have a father figure in their lives. That's a really tough obstacle to overcome.我知道那里有很多不幸的孩童,他们的人生中缺少父亲的身影,这对他们来说真是太不幸了。So regardless of what anyone else thinks of you, I'm just incredibly thankful to have you as my dad. If I didn't have you as an influence in my life, I don't think I'd be in the position I am today. Actually, I know I wouldn't.所以,无论别人对你怎么看,我都万分感激你是我的爸爸。如果不是你影响了我,我不会到达今天的高度。我知道,我一个人无法做到。You haven't had the easiest life. Everything you've got, you've had to work for.你的生活也不是养尊处优的,我们拥有的每一样东西都是你用血汗挣来的。And you've spent your entire adult life instilling that work ethic into me and my brothers to make sure that we never have to face the same challenges that you did.你用了整个生涯将你的工作道德观传授给我和我的弟弟,这样我们可以直面生活中的挑战。I can't think of anything else that you could ask for from a dad.作为一名父亲,你已经尽到了自己的每一份职责。Thank you for teaching me how to play this game. Thank you for teaching me how to be a man. And thank you for never apologizing for being you.谢谢你教会我如何打篮球,谢谢你教会我怎样做一个男人,谢谢你从不畏惧活出自己的人生。Happy Father's Day, Dad. Love you. —Lonzo父亲节快乐,老爸。我爱你。——郎佐更多精彩内容请关注微信公众号、新浪微博:篮球英文堂