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时间: 2017-12-22 20:06; 作者: 高中作文网  电脑版浏览
With a wingspan of more than two metres, the X-8 commercial drone manufactured by China-based Skywalker Technologies is a favourite among hobbyists and aerial photography enthusiasts.

中国武汉思凯沃克科技有限公司(Skywalker Technologies)生产的、机翼翼展超过两米的天行者X-8商用无人机,是业余爱好者和航空摄影发烧友的最爱。
But the aircraft, which can be bought for just a few hundred dollars, is also perfect for military reconnaissance, artillery spotting and even aerial bombing, as soldiers fighting against Isis in Iraq and Syria have discovered.
The first X-8 in a conflict zone was spotted in 2015 by Kurdish forces near the Mosul Dam in Iraq, while in October 2016 a bomb-laden X-8 killed two Kurdish soldiers and injured two French commandos in the same area, according to Sahan Research, a UK-based think-tank.
据英国智库沙汗研究与发展组织(Sahan Research)提供的信息,2015年,库尔德武装在伊拉克摩苏尔大坝(Mosul Dam)附近发现天行者X-8,这是首次在冲突地区发现该款无人机;2016年10月,一架载有炸弹的X-8在同一地区炸死了两名库尔德士兵,炸伤两名法国突击队队员。
China’s world-leading drone industry faces a burgeoning problem: its recreational aircraft, in addition to taking breathtaking clifftop selfies, are being used by terrorists to kill people.
As of the end of last year, 32 models from six countries had been identified in the Syria and Iraq conflict, according to research by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College in New York state.
纽约州巴德学院(Bard College)无人机研究中心的研究发现,截至去年年底,在叙利亚和伊拉克冲突中,共发现了由6个国家生产的32个型号的无人机。
While most are military drones such as the US Predator and its Chinese copy the Caihong CH-4, the conflict has seen the first widespread use of hobby drones as weapons — and almost all were Chinese brands.
Their introduction marks a “milestone in the widespread proliferation of aerial surveillance platforms among insurgent and terrorist groups”, the center said.
Isis revealed its weaponised drone capabilities in a January video. Since then, says Steve Stalinsky of Memri, a Middle East media think-tank, “we have been seeing almost daily Isis drone attacks, sometimes several times a day, against many different targets”.
ISIS在一月份发布的一个视频中展示了其武装无人机的能力。从那时起,“我们几乎每天都会看到ISIS利用无人机进行袭击的消息,有时甚至每天几次,针对多个不同目标,”中东媒体研究院(Memri)的史蒂文?斯坦林斯基(Steve Stalinsky)说。
Bombmaking workshops run by Isis have weaponised X-8s and other drones such as the Phantom, made by Shenzhen-based DJI, the world’s largest commercial dronemaker. Some hobby drones now boast formidable capabilities, with 7km ranges and payloads up to 40kg.
The Kurdish government claims to have recorded at least two instances of Isis-controlled drones dropping hand grenades on its forces.
The founder of one Shenzhen-based armed drone manufacturer says that while military drones are strictly regulated, consumer drones are not — and unmanned aerial vehicles “can be retrofitted with one to two hand grenades very easily”.
Chinese consumer drones figure prominently in the arsenals of terror groups for the same reasons they have grabbed market share all over the world, according to Robert Garbett, chairman of Drone Major, a UK-based consultancy: “They are cheap and readily available.”
英国咨询公司Drone Major的董事长罗伯特?加伯特(Robert Garbett)认为,中国民用无人机在全球市场抢占份额,同时在恐怖组织武器库中占据重要位置,都出于同一个原因。他说:“它们价格低廉,很容易买到。”
Chinese dronemakers say there is nothing they can do to prevent their wares from being hijacked. DJI laments the use of its drones in warfare as “deplorable” and an “abuse of the technology”.
“As a manufacturer, we are unable to control what people do with them similar to the manufacturers of pick-up trucks, cars or other items that have been weaponised in conflict zones,” the company told the Financial Times.
Skywalker Technologies likewise said it did not “have the power to require customers make no modifications to our products”.
Other manufacturers appeared to have no idea their products were being used for purposes outside of recreation.
“We have never heard of anything like this happening,” said Chen Minfang, a manager at Tensho, a Fujian-based toy aircraft and dronemaker. “We do not know anything about this. How would Isis be using our products? We only sell to Europe and North America. We sell toy planes. How could they arm toy planes?”
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