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饼皇能否拿到顶薪合同 詹皇将何去何从?

时间: 2018-06-22 19:33; 作者: 高中作文网  电脑版浏览

If he does not get a max or near max offer, I honestly think it is more likely he will sign a one year prove it deal in the $18 mil range and then try to get a long term offer again next off season.


I struggle to see a likely offer for Capela for more than ~$16M per year. Capela's contract makes an enormous difference to the Rockets ability to maintain a title challenge over the next few years, whether they land LeBron or not. Every additional $1M for Capela will equate to ~10-15M in luxury tax over the next few years.


He signs an offer sheet with Phoenix for the max. Rockets may or may not match depending on how other things shape out. Phoenix tries to build a core of Booker/Jackson/Ayton/Capela, maybe keep Payton as well. Whatever happens Capela will be making $20M+ next year.


Just for fun... HOW will LeBron announce The Decision 3.0?


He came out with a cast on his hand after he lost the NBA finals, LeBron loves the drama, lives for it. It's one of the reasons why he's my fav player.


I think it will leak because he'll inform the team he's leaving ahead of time (something he failed to do the last 2 times). And then he'll put out a video thanking Cleveland.


Could you imagine how crazy it would be if at like 3:30 in the morning LeBron just retweeted some random ass persons tweet saying "LeBrons going to x team".



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